Source code for pwem.viewers.viewer_chimera

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Roberto Marabini (
# *              Marta Martinez (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

import os

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.viewer as pwviewer
import pwem.constants as emcts
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
import pwem.objects as emobj
from pwem import emlib
from pwem import Config as emConfig
from pwem.objects import SetOfAtomStructs
from pyworkflow.utils import OS

chimeraPdbTemplateFileName = "Atom_struct__%06d.cif"
chimeraMapTemplateFileName = "Map__%06d.mrc"
chimeraPythonFileName = ""
chimeraScriptFileName = "chimeraScript.cxc"
chimeraConfigFileName = "chimera.ini"
sessionFile = "SESSION.cxs"

symMapperScipionchimera = {}
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_CYCLIC] = "Cn"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_DIHEDRAL] = "Dn"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_TETRAHEDRAL] = "T"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_OCTAHEDRAL] = "O"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_I222] = "222"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_I222r] = "222r"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_In25] = "n25"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_In25r] = "n25r"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_I2n3] = "2n3"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_I2n3r] = "2n3r"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_I2n5] = "2n5"
symMapperScipionchimera[emcts.SYM_I2n5r] = "2n5r"

[docs]class Chimera: """ Helper class to execute chimera and handle its environment. """ # Map symmetries from Scipion convention to Chimera convention _symmetryMap = { emcts.SYM_CYCLIC: 'Cn', emcts.SYM_DIHEDRAL: 'Dn', emcts.SYM_TETRAHEDRAL: 'T', emcts.SYM_OCTAHEDRAL: 'O', emcts.SYM_I222: '222', emcts.SYM_I222r: '222r', emcts.SYM_In25: 'n25', emcts.SYM_In25r: 'n25r', emcts.SYM_I2n3: '2n3', emcts.SYM_I2n3r: '2n3r', emcts.SYM_I2n5: '2n5', emcts.SYM_I2n5r: '2n5r' }
[docs] @classmethod def getSymmetry(cls, scipionSym): """ Return the equivalent Chimera symmetry from Scipion one. """ return cls._symmetryMap[scipionSym]
[docs] @classmethod def getHome(cls): """ Returns chimera home, trying first to take it from chimera plugin. If it fails it will return, the default value in the config""" with pwutils.weakImport("chimera"): from chimera import Plugin as chimeraPlugin return chimeraPlugin.getHome() return os.path.join(emConfig.EM_ROOT, 'chimerax-1.2.5')
[docs] @classmethod def getEnviron(cls): """ Return the proper environ to launch chimera. CHIMERA_HOME variable is read from the ~/.config/scipion.conf file. """ environ = pwutils.Environ(os.environ) environ.set('PATH', os.path.join(cls.getHome(), 'bin'), position=pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) if "REMOTE_MESA_LIB" in os.environ: environ.set('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', os.environ['REMOTE_MESA_LIB'], position=pwutils.Environ.BEGIN) return environ
[docs] @classmethod def getProgram(cls, progName="ChimeraX"): """ Return the program binary that will be used. """ home = cls.getHome() if home is None: return None path = os.path.join(home, 'bin', os.path.basename(progName)) if OS.isWSL(): path +=".exe" return path
[docs] @classmethod def runProgram(cls, program=None, args="", cwd=None): """ Internal shortcut function to launch chimera program. """ prog = program or cls.getProgram() pwutils.runJob(None, prog, args, env=cls.getEnviron(), cwd=cwd)
[docs] @classmethod def createCoordinateAxisFile(cls, dim, bildFileName="/tmp/axis.bild", sampling=1, r1=0.1): """ Create a coordinate system, Along each dimension we place a small sphere in the negative axis. In this way chimera shows the system of coordinates origin in the window center""" ff = open(bildFileName, "w") arrowDict = {} arrowDict["x"] = arrowDict["y"] = arrowDict["z"] = \ sampling * dim * 1. / 2. arrowDict["r1"] = r1 * dim / 50. arrowDict["r2"] = 2 * arrowDict["r1"] arrowDict["rho"] = 0.75 # axis thickness ff.write(".color red\n" # red ".arrow 0 0 0 %(x)f 0 0 %(r1)f %(r2)f %(rho)f\n" ".color 0 0 0\n.sphere -%(x)f 0 0 0.00001\n" ".color yellow\n" # yellow ".arrow 0 0 0 0 %(y)f 0 %(r1)f %(r2)f %(rho)f\n" ".color 0 0 0\n.sphere 0 -%(y)f 0 0.00001\n" ".color blue\n" ".arrow 0 0 0 0 0 %(z)f %(r1)f %(r2)f %(rho)f\n" ".color 0 0 0\n.sphere 0 0 -%(z)f 0.00001\n" % arrowDict) ff.close()
[docs]class ChimeraAngDist(pwviewer.CommandView): def __init__(self, volFile, tmpFilesPath, **kwargs): self.kwargs = kwargs self.volfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(volFile)) self.cmdFile = os.path.join(tmpFilesPath, "chimera_angular_distribution.cxc") self.axis = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tmpFilesPath, "axis.bild")) self.spheres = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(tmpFilesPath, "spheres.bild")) self.angularDistributionList = [] self.angularDistFile = kwargs.get('angularDistFile', None) if self.angularDistFile: fileName = self.angularDistFile if '@' in self.angularDistFile: fileName = self.angularDistFile.split("@")[1] if not (os.path.exists(fileName)): # check blockname: raise Exception("Path %s does not exists" % self.angularDistFile) self.volOrigin = kwargs.get('volOrigin', None) self.spheresColor = kwargs.get('spheresColor', 'orange') spheresDistance = kwargs.get('spheresDistance', -1) spheresMaxRadius = kwargs.get('spheresMaxRadius', None) self.initVolumeData(self.volfile) self.spheresDistance = (float(spheresDistance) if spheresDistance != -1 else (0.75 * self.voxelSize * max(self.xdim, self.ydim, self.zdim)) / 2) self.spheresMaxRadius = (float(spheresMaxRadius) if spheresMaxRadius else 0.02 * self.spheresDistance) self.readAngularDistFile() format = kwargs.get('format', None) self._createChimeraScript(self.cmdFile, format) program = Chimera.getProgram() pwviewer.CommandView.__init__(self, '%s "%s" &' % (program, self.cmdFile), env=Chimera.getEnviron(), **kwargs) def _createChimeraScript(self, scriptFile, format): Chimera.createCoordinateAxisFile(self.xdim, bildFileName=self.axis, sampling=self.voxelSize) self.createAngularDistributionFile(bildFileName=self.spheres) fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fhCmd.write("open %s\n" % self.axis) fhCmd.write("open %s\n" % self.spheres) fhCmd.write("cofr 0,0,0\n") if format is not None: fhCmd.write("open %s format %s\n" % (self.volfile.replace(":mrc", ""), format)) else: fhCmd.write("open %s\n" % self.volfile.replace(":mrc", "")) fhCmd.write("volume #3 voxelSize %s\n" % self.voxelSize) x, y, z = self.volOrigin fhCmd.write("volume #3 origin %s,%s,%s\n" % (x, y, z)) fhCmd.write("view\n") fhCmd.close()
[docs] def createAngularDistributionFile(self, bildFileName="/tmp/spheres.bild"): ff = open(bildFileName, "w") for angulardist in self.angularDistributionList: ff.write("%s\n" % angulardist) ff.close()
[docs] def initVolumeData(self, volfile): if volfile.endswith('.mrc'): volfile += ':mrc' if volfile is None: raise ValueError(volfile) if '@' in volfile: [index, file] = volfile.split('@') else: file = volfile if ':' in file: file = file[0: file.rfind(':')] if not os.path.exists(file): raise Exception("File %s does not exists" % file) self.voxelSize = self.kwargs.get('voxelSize', 1.0) self.image = emlib.Image(self.volfile) self.image.convert2DataType(md.DT_DOUBLE) self.xdim, self.ydim, self.zdim, self.n = self.image.getDimensions() self.vol = self.image.getData()
[docs] def readAngularDistFile(self): angleRotLabel = md.MDL_ANGLE_ROT angleTiltLabel = md.MDL_ANGLE_TILT anglePsiLabel = md.MDL_ANGLE_PSI mdAngDist = md.MetaData(self.angularDistFile) if not mdAngDist.containsLabel(md.MDL_ANGLE_PSI): anglePsiLabel = None if mdAngDist.containsLabel(md.RLN_ORIENT_PSI): angleRotLabel = md.RLN_ORIENT_ROT angleTiltLabel = md.RLN_ORIENT_TILT anglePsiLabel = md.RLN_ORIENT_PSI if not mdAngDist.containsLabel(md.MDL_WEIGHT): mdAngDist.fillConstant(md.MDL_WEIGHT, 1.) maxweight = mdAngDist.aggregateSingle(md.AGGR_MAX, md.MDL_WEIGHT) minweight = mdAngDist.aggregateSingle(md.AGGR_MIN, md.MDL_WEIGHT) interval = maxweight - minweight x2 = self.xdim / 2 y2 = self.ydim / 2 z2 = self.zdim / 2 self.angularDistributionList.append('.color %s\n' % self.spheresColor) for id in mdAngDist: rot = mdAngDist.getValue(angleRotLabel, id) tilt = mdAngDist.getValue(angleTiltLabel, id) psi = mdAngDist.getValue(anglePsiLabel, id) if anglePsiLabel else 0 weight = mdAngDist.getValue(md.MDL_WEIGHT, id) # Avoid zero division weight = 0 if interval == 0 else (weight - minweight) / interval weight = weight + 0.5 # add 0.5 to avoid zero weight x, y, z = emlib.Euler_direction(rot, tilt, psi) radius = weight * self.spheresMaxRadius x = x * self.spheresDistance # + x2 y = y * self.spheresDistance # + y2 z = z * self.spheresDistance # + z2 command = ('.sphere %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f' % (x, y, z, radius)) self.angularDistributionList.append(command)
[docs]class ChimeraView(pwviewer.CommandView): """ View for calling an external command. """
[docs] def getProgram(self): return Chimera.getProgram()
[docs] def getEnviron(self): return Chimera.getEnviron()
def __init__(self, inputFiles, **kwargs): if isinstance(inputFiles,str): inputFiles = [inputFiles] # If WLS we need to adapt the paths to windows style if OS.isWSL(): for i, file in enumerate(inputFiles): inputFiles[i] =OS.WLSfile2Windows(file) # Join files filesStr = '" "'.join(inputFiles) filesStr = filesStr.replace(":mrc", "") program = self.getProgram() pwviewer.CommandView.__init__(self, '%s "%s" &' % (program, filesStr), env=self.getEnviron(), **kwargs)
[docs]class ChimeraViewer(pwviewer.Viewer): """ Wrapper to visualize PDB object with Chimera. """ _environments = [pwviewer.DESKTOP_TKINTER] _targets = [emobj.AtomStruct, emobj.PdbFile, emobj.SetOfAtomStructs, emobj.Volume, emobj.SetOfVolumes, emobj.SetOfClasses3D] _name = "ChimeraX" def __init__(self, **kwargs): pwviewer.Viewer.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _visualize(self, obj, **kwargs): cls = type(obj) if issubclass(cls, emobj.AtomStruct): objSet = SetOfAtomStructs.create(outputPath='/tmp', suffix=self.protocol.getObjId()) objSet.append(obj) if hasattr(obj, '_chimeraScript'): objSet.copyAttributes(obj, '_chimeraScript') obj, cls = objSet, type(objSet) if issubclass(cls, emobj.SetOfAtomStructs): if hasattr(obj, '_chimeraScript'): fn = obj._chimeraScript.get() view = ChimeraView(fn) return [view] else: fnCmd = self.protocol._getExtraPath("chimera_output.cxc") f = open(fnCmd, 'w') f.write('cd %s\n' % os.getcwd()) f.write("cofr 0,0,0\n") # set center of coordinates f.write("style stick\n") _inputVol = obj.getFirstItem().getVolume() if _inputVol is not None: volID = 1 dim, sampling = _inputVol.getDim()[0], _inputVol.getSamplingRate() f.write("open %s\n" % _inputVol.getFileName()) x, y, z = _inputVol.getOrigin(force=True).getShifts() f.write("volume #%d style surface voxelSize %f\nvolume #%d origin " "%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f\n" % (volID, sampling, volID, x, y, z)) else: dim, sampling = 150., 1. bildFileName = self.protocol._getExtraPath("axis_output.bild") Chimera.createCoordinateAxisFile(dim, bildFileName=bildFileName, sampling=sampling) f.write("open %s\n" % bildFileName) for AS in obj: f.write("open %s\n" % AS.getFileName()) #f.write("style stick\n") f.close() view = ChimeraView(fnCmd) return [view] elif issubclass(cls,emobj.Volume): view = ChimeraView(obj.getFileName()) return [view] elif issubclass(cls,emobj.EMSet): files = obj.getFiles() view = ChimeraView(files) return [view] else: raise Exception('ChimeraViewer.visualize: ' 'can not visualize class: %s' % obj.getClassName())
[docs]class ChimeraOldView(ChimeraView): """ View for calling an external command. """
[docs] def getProgram(self): return emConfig.CHIMERA_OLD_BINARY_PATH
[docs] def getEnviron(self): return None
[docs]class ChimeraOldViewer(ChimeraViewer): """ Wrapper to visualize Chimera OLD (1.10 , 1.13, ..) compatible objects . """ _name = "Chimera" def __init__(self, **kwargs): pwviewer.Viewer.__init__(self, **kwargs) def _visualize(self, obj, **kwargs): cls = type(obj) if issubclass(cls, emobj.EMSet): files = obj.getFiles() view = ChimeraOldView(files) return [view] elif issubclass(cls, (emobj.Volume, emobj.AtomStruct)): view = ChimeraOldView(obj.getFileName()) return [view] else: raise Exception('ChimeraOldViewer.visualize: ' 'can not visualize class: %s' % obj.getClassName())
[docs]def mapVolsWithColorkey(displayVolFileName, mapVolFileName, stepColors, # List with resolution values colorList, # List with colors voldim, # pixels volOrigin=None, # in A. step=-1, # chimera volume step (display resolution) sampling=1., scriptFileName='/tmp/', bgColorImage='white', # background color showAxis=True, fontSize=12): # default chimera font size """ colors surface of volume 'displayVolFileName' using values from 'mapVolFikeName'. A colorkey is created using the values in stepColors and the color in colorList. """ scriptFile = scriptFileName fhCmd = open(scriptFile, 'w') fhCmd.write("from chimerax.core.commands import run\n") fhCmd.write("run(session, 'set bgColor %s')\n" % bgColorImage) chimeraVolId = 1 bildFileName = scriptFile.replace(".py", ".bild") Chimera.createCoordinateAxisFile(voldim[0], bildFileName=bildFileName, sampling=sampling) # axis fhCmd.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % bildFileName) if not showAxis: fhCmd.write("run(session, 'hide #1')\n") fhCmd.write("run(session, 'cofr 0,0,0')\n") # set center of coordinates chimeraVolId += 1 # first volume if volOrigin is None: x = -voldim[0] * sampling // 2 y = -voldim[1] * sampling // 2 z = -voldim[2] * sampling // 2 else: # TODO, not sure about sign x = volOrigin[0] y = volOrigin[1] z = volOrigin[2] fhCmd.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % displayVolFileName) if step == -1: fhCmd.write("run(session, 'volume #%d voxelSize %s')\n" % (chimeraVolId, str(sampling))) else: fhCmd.write("run(session, 'volume #%d voxelSize %s step %d')\n" % (chimeraVolId, str(sampling), step)) fhCmd.write("run(session, 'volume #%d origin %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f')\n" % (chimeraVolId, x, y, z)) # second volume chimeraVolId += 1 fhCmd.write("run(session, 'open %s')\n" % mapVolFileName) # TODO: Why no step here? fhCmd.write("run(session, 'volume #%d voxelSize %f')\n" % (chimeraVolId, sampling)) fhCmd.write("run(session, 'volume #%d origin %0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f')\n" % (chimeraVolId, x, y, z)) fhCmd.write("run(session, 'vol #%d hide')\n" % chimeraVolId) # replace scolor + colorkey which has been discontinued in chimerax scolorStr = '' for step, color in zip(stepColors, colorList): scolorStr += '%s,%s:' % (step, color) scolorStr = scolorStr[:-1] fhCmd.write("run(session, 'color sample #%d map #%d " "palette " % (chimeraVolId - 1, chimeraVolId) + scolorStr + "')\n" ) fhCmd.write(generateColorLegend(stepColors, colorList, threeLabelsOnly=False)) fhCmd.write("run(session, 'view')\n") fhCmd.close()
[docs]def generateColorLegend(stepColors, colorList, threeLabelsOnly=True): """Return a string to write in a chimera script file a color legend - key command :param stepColors: list with the values for the colors :param colorList: list with the colors :param threeLabelsOnly: True, with ignore stepColors and show just 3 values: min, max and medium.""" colorStr = 'run(session, "key{} fontSize 15 size 0.025,0.4 pos 0.01,0.3")\n' labelCount, keyStr = 0, '' stepColors.reverse(), colorList.reverse() if threeLabelsOnly: labelsIndex = [0, len(colorList) - 1, (len(colorList) - 1) // 2] for step, color in zip(stepColors, colorList): if not threeLabelsOnly or labelCount in labelsIndex: keyStr += ' {}:{}'.format(color, step) else: keyStr += ' {}:'.format(color) labelCount += 1 return colorStr.format(keyStr)