Source code for pwem.viewers.showj

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
Configuration definition for launching the ShowJ visualization utility.
The name of ShowJ is due historical reasons. This data visualization tools
was first called xmipp_show. And later was re-written using Java and 
became xmipp_showj.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import os
import sys
from os.path import join
from collections import OrderedDict
import subprocess

from pyworkflow import Config
from pyworkflow.utils import getFreePort, runCommand
from pwem import Config as emConfig
import threading
import shlex
import socketserver
from pyworkflow.constants import SCIPION_DOMAIN, SCIPION_HOME_VAR, SCIPION_DEBUG

javaVersion = None

# ----------------------- Showj constants ---------------------------

PATH = 'path'
DATASET = 'dataset'

TABLE_NAME = 'blockComboBox'
COLS_CONFIG = 'tableLayoutConfiguration'
COLS_CONFIG_DEFAULT = 'defaultColumnsLayoutProperties'
LABEL_SELECTED = 'labelsToRenderComboBox'

MODE = 'mode'
MODE_GALLERY = 'gallery'
MODE_TABLE = 'table'
MODE_MD = 'metadata'
MODE_VOL_ASTEX = 'volume_astex'
MODE_VOL_CHIMERA = 'volume_chimera'
MODE_VOL_JSMOL = 'volume_jsmol'
RENDER = 'render'
ORDER = 'order'
VISIBLE = 'visible'
ZOOM = 'zoom'
SORT_BY = 'sortby'
LABELS = 'labels'
CLASSIFIER = 'classifier'

SAMPLINGRATE = 'sampling_rate'
CHIMERA_PORT = 'chimera_port'
INVERTY = 'inverty'

OBJCMDS = 'object_commands'

GOTO = 'goto'
ROWS = 'rows'
COLS = 'cols'
ALLOW_RENDER = 'allowRender'
MANUAL_ADJUST = 'colRowMode'

SELECTEDITEMS = 'listSelectedItems'
ENABLEDITEMS = 'listEnabledItems'
CHANGES = 'listChangesItems'
OLDMODE = 'oldModeShowj'
RENDERITEMS = 'renderItems'

VOL_SELECTED = 'volumesToRenderComboBox'
VOL_TYPE = 'typeVolume'
VOL_VIEW = 'resliceComboBox'

IMG_DIMS = 'imageDimensions'
IMG_ZOOM = 'zoom'
IMG_ZOOM_DEFAULT = 'defaultZoom'
IMG_MIRRORY = 'mirrorY'
IMG_APPLY_TRANSFORM = 'applyTransformMatrix'
IMG_ONLY_SHIFTS = 'onlyShifts'
IMG_WRAP = 'wrap'
IMG_MAX_WIDTH = 'imageMaxWidth'
IMG_MIN_WIDTH = 'imageMinWidth'
IMG_MAX_HEIGHT = 'imageMaxHeight'
IMG_MIN_HEIGHT = 'imageMinHeight'

PROJECT_NAME = 'projectName'
PROJECT_PATH = 'projectPath'
OBJECT_ID = 'objectId'

[docs]def getJvmMaxMemory(): # Memory in GB return int(emConfig.JAVA_MAX_MEMORY)
[docs]class ColumnsConfig: """ Store the configuration of the columns for a given table in a dataset. The order of the columns will be stored and configuration for each columns. For each column, we store properties: - visible - allowSetVisible - renderable - allowSetRenderable - editable - allowSetEditable - renderFunc - renderFuncExtra """ def __init__(self, table, allowRender=True, defaultColumnsLayout={}): self._columnsDict = OrderedDict() for col in table.iterColumns(): colDefaultLayout = defaultColumnsLayout.get(col.getLabel(), {}) col_properties = ColumnProperties(col, allowRender, colDefaultLayout) self._columnsDict[col.getName()] = col_properties
[docs] def getRenderableColumns(self, extra=None): """ Return a list with the name of renderable columns. extra: parameter used to keep some rendering columns.""" columnsName = [] columnsLabel = [] for col in self._columnsDict.values(): if col.isRenderable(): if extra is not None: if col.getName() in extra: columnsName.append(col.getName()) columnsLabel.append(col.getLabel()) else: columnsName.append(col.getName()) columnsLabel.append(col.getLabel()) # columns = [col.getName() for col in self._columnsDict.values() if col.isRenderable()] return columnsName, columnsLabel
[docs] def hasEnableColumn(self): for columnLayout in self._columnsDict.values(): if "enable" == columnLayout.getLabel(): return True return False
[docs] def getColumnProperty(self, colName, propName): """ Get some property value of a given column. """ col = self._columnsDict[colName] return getattr(col, propName)
[docs] def configColumn(self, colName, **kwargs): """ Configure properties of a given column. """ col = self._columnsDict[colName] for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(col, k, v)
[docs] def printColumns(self): for col in self._columnsDict.values(): print("column: ", col.getLabel()) print(" values: ", col.getValues())
[docs]class ColumnProperties: """ Store some properties to customize how each column will be display in the table. """ def __init__(self, col, allowRender, defaultColumnLayoutProperties): self._column = col self.columnType = col.getRenderType() if 'visible' in defaultColumnLayoutProperties: self.visible = defaultColumnLayoutProperties['visible'] else: self.visible = not (self.columnType == COL_RENDER_ID) self.allowSetVisible = True self.editable = (self.columnType == COL_RENDER_TEXT) self.allowSetEditable = self.editable self.renderable = ('renderable' in defaultColumnLayoutProperties and defaultColumnLayoutProperties['renderable'].lower() == 'true') self.allowSetRenderable = ((self.columnType == COL_RENDER_IMAGE or self.columnType == COL_RENDER_VOLUME) and allowRender) self.renderFunc = "get_image" self.extraRenderFunc = ""
[docs] def getLabel(self): return self._column.getLabel()
[docs] def getName(self): return self._column.getName()
[docs] def getColumnType(self): return self.columnType
[docs] def allowsRenderable(self): return self.renderable or self.allowSetRenderable
[docs] def isRenderable(self): return self.renderable or self.allowSetRenderable
[docs] def setValues(self, defaultColumnLayoutProperties): for key in defaultColumnLayoutProperties: setattr(self, key, defaultColumnLayoutProperties[key])
[docs] def getValues(self): return {"visible": self.visible, "allowSetVisible": self.allowSetVisible, "editable": self.editable, "allowSetEditable": self.allowSetEditable, "renderable": self.renderable, "allowSetRenderable": self.allowSetRenderable, "renderFunc": self.renderFunc, "extraRenderFunc": self.extraRenderFunc, 'columnType': self.columnType, 'columnName': self.getName(), 'columnLabel': self.getLabel() }
[docs]def getArchitecture(): import platform arch = platform.architecture()[0] for a in ['32', '64']: if a in arch: return a return 'NO_ARCH'
[docs]def getJavaVersion(): global javaVersion if javaVersion is None: version = subprocess.check_output([getJavaBin(), '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) javaVersion = int(version.decode("utf-8").split('"')[1].split('.')[0]) return javaVersion
[docs]def getJavaBin(): if emConfig.JAVA_HOME: return join(emConfig.JAVA_HOME, "bin", "java") else: return "java"
[docs]def getJavaIJappArguments(memory, appName, appArgs): """ Build the command line arguments to launch a Java application based on ImageJ. memory: the amount of memory passed to the JVM. appName: the qualified name of the java application. appArgs: the arguments specific to the application. """ if memory is None: memory = getJvmMaxMemory() jdkLib = join(emConfig.JAVA_HOME, 'lib') javaBind = join(emConfig.XMIPP_HOME, "bindings", "java") imagej_home = join(javaBind, "imagej") lib = join(emConfig.XMIPP_HOME, "lib") javaLib = join(javaBind, 'lib') plugins_dir = os.path.join(imagej_home, "plugins") arch = getArchitecture() if getJavaVersion() > 9: args = "-Xmx%(memory)sg -Djava.library.path=%(lib)s -Dplugins.dir=%(plugins_dir)s -cp %(jdkLib)s/*:%(imagej_home)s/*:%(javaLib)s/* %(appName)s %(appArgs)s" % locals() else: args = "-Xmx%(memory)sg -d%(arch)s -Djava.library.path=%(lib)s -Dplugins.dir=%(plugins_dir)s -cp %(jdkLib)s/*:%(imagej_home)s/*:%(javaLib)s/* %(appName)s %(appArgs)s" % locals() return args
[docs]def runJavaIJapp(memory, appName, args, env=None): env = env or {} getEnviron = Config.getDomain().importFromPlugin('xmipp3', 'Plugin').getEnviron env.update(getEnviron(xmippFirst=False)) # Add scipion variables env[SCIPION_DOMAIN] = Config.SCIPION_DOMAIN env[SCIPION_HOME_VAR] = Config.SCIPION_HOME if Config.debugOn(): env[SCIPION_DEBUG] = "1" # Add out python path to the PATH env["PATH"] = ":".join([sys.executable, env.get("PATH", "")]) # Try chimera try: chimeraPlugin = Config.getDomain().importFromPlugin('chimera', 'Plugin', doRaise=True) env["CHIMERA_LAUNCHER"] = chimeraPlugin.getProgram() + " %s" except Exception as e: pass args = getJavaIJappArguments(memory, appName, args) javaBin = getJavaBin()'%s %s' % (javaBin, args)) cmd = [javaBin] + shlex.split(args) return subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env)
[docs]def launchSupervisedPickerGUI(micsFn, outputDir, protocol, mode=None, memory=None, pickerProps=None, inTmpFolder=False): app = "" args = "--input %s --output %s" % (micsFn, outputDir) if mode: args += " --mode %s" % mode if pickerProps: args += " --classifier " + pickerProps else: port = initProtocolTCPServer(protocol) args += " --scipion %s" % port if inTmpFolder: args += " --tmp true" return runJavaIJapp(memory, app, args)
[docs]def launchTiltPairPickerGUI(micsFn, outputDir, protocol, mode=None): port = initProtocolTCPServer(protocol) app = "xmipp.viewer.particlepicker.tiltpair.TiltPairPickerRunner" args = "--input %s --output %s --scipion %s" % (micsFn, outputDir, port) if mode: args += " --mode %s" % mode return runJavaIJapp(None, app, args)
[docs]class ProtocolTCPRequestHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
[docs] def handle(self): # FIXME: RUNNING FOREVER protocol = self.server.protocol msg = str(self.request.recv(1024), "utf-8") tokens = shlex.split(msg) if msg.startswith('run function'): functionName = tokens[2] # try: functionPointer = getattr(protocol, functionName) functionPointer(*tokens[3:]) self.request.sendall(b'done\n') self.server.end = True # except: # print 'protocol %s must implement %s'%(protocol.getName(), functionName) else: answer = b'no answer available\n' self.request.sendall(answer)
[docs]class MySocketServer(socketserver.TCPServer):
[docs] def serve_forever(self): self.end = False while not self.end: self.handle_request()
[docs]def initProtocolTCPServer(protocol): address = '' port = getFreePort() server = MySocketServer((address, port), ProtocolTCPRequestHandler) server.protocol = protocol server_thread = threading.Thread(name="ProtocolTCPServer", target=server.serve_forever) server_thread.daemon = True server_thread.start() return port