# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: Yunior C. Fonseca Reyna (cfonseca@cnb.csic.es)
# *
# *
# * Unidad de Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from glob import glob
from os.path import join, dirname, basename
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pwem
[docs]def loadSetFromDb(dbName, dbPrefix=''):
from pwem import Domain
from pyworkflow.mapper.sqlite import SqliteFlatDb
db = SqliteFlatDb(dbName=dbName, tablePrefix=dbPrefix)
setClassName = db.getProperty('self') # get the set class name
setObj = Domain.getObjects()[setClassName](filename=dbName, prefix=dbPrefix)
return setObj
[docs]def runProgram(program, params):
""" Runs an em program setting its environment matching a prefix"""
env = None
# Allow passing absolute paths
programName = basename(program)
from pwem import Domain
# Avoid detecting xmipp installation script to be run as xmipp, since
# it will run devel installation with production xmippEnv.json environment:
# Example: want to compile devel with java 8, but production was compiled with java 11.
# So java 11 makes it into the PATH taking priority
if programName.startswith('xmipp_'):
print("Xmipp command detected")
xmipp3 = Domain.getPlugin('xmipp3').Plugin
env = xmipp3.getEnviron()
if programName.startswith('relion'):
print("relion command detected")
relion = Domain.getPlugin("relion").Plugin
env = relion.getEnviron()
elif (programName.startswith('e2') or
print("eman/sparx command detected")
eman2 = Domain.importFromPlugin('eman2', 'Plugin')
env = eman2.getEnviron()
program = eman2.getProgram(programName)
elif programName.startswith('b'):
print("Bsoft command detected")
bsoft = Domain.importFromPlugin('bsoft', 'Plugin')
env = bsoft.getEnviron()
pwutils.runJob(None, program, params, env=env)
[docs]def getPWEMPath(*paths):
return join(dirname(pwem.__file__), *paths)
[docs]def getTemplatePath(*paths):
return join(getPWEMPath('templates'), *paths)
[docs]def getCmdPath(*paths):
return join(getPWEMPath('cmd'), *paths)
[docs]def convertPixToLength(samplingRate, length):
return samplingRate * length
[docs]def splitRange(minValue, maxValue, splitNum=10, roundTo=2):
returns a list of "splitNum" items with values ranging from minValue to maxValue, equally divided
:param minValue: value to start from
:param maxValue: value to stop
:param splitNum: number of splits, limits included
:param roundTo: default to 2, rounding decimal value
:return: list with the split
inter = (maxValue - minValue) / (splitNum - 1)
rangeList = []
for step in range(0, splitNum):
rangeList.append(round(minValue + step * inter, roundTo))
return rangeList
PROBLEMATIC_SHELL_CHARS = ";<>?\"()|*\\'&"
[docs]def cleanFileName(fn, warn=True):
""" Cleans any character that later on might cause shell parsing errors like "(", ")", " "
and warns about it if warn is true.
:param fn: file to be cleaned
:param warn: Optional (True). Logs """
cleaned = False
if bannedChar in fn:
if warn:
logger.info("Warning!. Problematic character (%s) found in file %s. "
"Any of these characters will be removed: %s" % (bannedChar, fn, PROBLEMATIC_SHELL_CHARS))
fn = fn.replace(bannedChar, '')
cleaned = True
return fn, cleaned
[docs]def round_to_nearest(number, base):
""" Rounds number to the nearest integer: E.g: pass base=5 to round to the nearest
number multiple of 5
:param number: number to be rounded
:param base: integer to limit the rounding to
return base * round(number/base)
[docs]def getMatchingFiles(path, sort=False):
filePaths = glob(path)
if sort:
return filePaths
[docs]def fnMatching(itemId, filesDict, objType='Micrograph'):
Check if in an object (micrograph, ctf, etc...) its files are matched
:param itemId: Is micName, baseName, tsId,...(is not objId)
:param filesDict: The keys are the base name of the file to import without the extension,
and the values can be a path (e.g. path of the ctf files when importing ctf)
or an object (e.g. micrographs when importing coordinates).
:param objType: This parameter is informative to complete the log messages to know what is being imported.
:return: A tuple with the key and the value of filesDict that matches itemId
longestItem = None
longestItemId = None
finalMessage = None
if itemId in filesDict:
longestItem = filesDict[itemId]
longestItemId = itemId
finalMessage = "%s %s exact match" % (objType, itemId)
longestMatch = 0
matchLen = 0
# ItemId is not objId. Is micName or tsId
for fileBaseName, item in filesDict.items():
if itemId.startswith(fileBaseName):
# BVP_1234_aligned(objFile) startswith BVP_1234(micName, baseName, tsId,...)
message = "%s %s starts with %s" % (objType, itemId, fileBaseName)
matchLen = len(fileBaseName)
elif fileBaseName in itemId:
# BVP_1234(micName or baseName) in BVP_1234_info(objFile)
message = "%s %s contains %s" % (objType, itemId, fileBaseName)
matchLen = len(fileBaseName)
if len(itemId) > matchLen:
if fileBaseName.startswith(itemId):
# BVP_1234_aligned(fileBaseName) startswith BVP_1234(itemId)
# MicBase start with coordBase
message = "%s %s is the beginning of %s" % (objType, itemId, fileBaseName)
matchLen = len(itemId)
elif itemId in fileBaseName:
# BVP_1234(itemId) in BVP_1234_aligned(fileBaseName)
# micBase contains coordBase
message = "%s %s contained in %s" % (objType, itemId, fileBaseName)
matchLen = len(itemId)
if matchLen > longestMatch:
finalMessage = message
longestMatch = matchLen
longestItem = item
longestItemId = fileBaseName
matchLen = 0
if finalMessage is not None:
logger.debug(finalMessage + ': ' + str(longestItem))
finalMessage = '%s %s does not match ' % (objType, itemId)
return longestItemId, longestItem