Source code for pwem.protocols.protocol_projection_edit

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     Pablo Conesa(
# *              Roberto Marabini(
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem.protocols import EMProtocol
from import SetOfParticles

from pwem.convert.transformations import (
    rotation_matrix, angle_between_vectors,
import numpy as np

from pwem.constants import (SYM_I222, SYM_I222r, SYM_In25, SYM_In25r,
                            SYM_I2n3, SYM_I2n3r, SYM_I2n5, SYM_I2n5r,
                            SYM_DIHEDRAL_X, SYM_DIHEDRAL_Y,
                            SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222, SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_Z3,

# noinspection SqlDialectInspection
[docs]class ProtProjectionEditor(EMProtocol): """ This protocol edits the projection directions of all the items of a set of particles using a formula. This could be useful for applying geometrical transformation to a set of particles. Several predefined operation are offered such as * apply the rotation matrix define by an origin vector and a target vector * rotate the projection vector around a given vector by A degrees * convert between icosahedral symmetries * convert between dihedral symmetries * convert between tetrahedral symmetries """ _label = 'edit projection' CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR = 0 CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR = 1 CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL = 2 CHOICE_DIHEDRAL = 3 CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL = 4 CHOICE_MOVE_UC =5 CHOICE_LABEL = { CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR: 'move source vector to target vector', CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR: 'rotate around vector', CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL: 'convert between icosahedral symmetries', CHOICE_DIHEDRAL: 'convert between dihedral symmetries', CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL: 'convert between tetrahedral symmetries', CHOICE_MOVE_UC: 'move to unit cell' } ICOSAHEDRAL_SYM_NAME = { SYM_I222: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I222], SYM_I222r: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I222r], SYM_In25: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_In25], SYM_In25r: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_In25r], SYM_I2n3: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I2n3], SYM_I2n3r: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I2n3r], SYM_I2n5: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I2n5], SYM_I2n5r: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_I2n5r] } DIHEDRAL_SYM_NAME = { SYM_DIHEDRAL_X: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_DIHEDRAL_X], SYM_DIHEDRAL_Y: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_DIHEDRAL_Y] } TETRAHEDRAL_SYM_NAME = { SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222], SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_Z3: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_Z3], SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_Z3R: SCIPION_SYM_NAME[SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_Z3R] } def _defineParams(self, form): """ Defines the parameters the protocol form will show and its behaviour :param form: """ form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputSet', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfParticles', label='Set of particles to edit', help='Set which items will be modified.' 'Must be a set of particles with transformations.') form.addParam( 'operation', params.EnumParam, choices=[self.CHOICE_LABEL[self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR], self.CHOICE_LABEL[self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR], self.CHOICE_LABEL[self.CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL], self.CHOICE_LABEL[self.CHOICE_DIHEDRAL], self.CHOICE_LABEL[self.CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL], self.CHOICE_LABEL[self.CHOICE_MOVE_UC] ], default=self.CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL, label="Select operation", help="Select operation to be performed in the set.\n" " *rotate to vector* modifies the alignment matrix " " so a reconstruction made from the images produces a " " rotated reconstruction\n" " *convert between icosahedral symmetry* will modify " " the alignment matrix so the reconstruction will have " " the new symmetry provided\n" " *convert between dihedral symmetry* will modify " " the alignment matrix so the reconstruction will have " " the new symmetry provided\n" " *convert between tetrahedral symmetry* will modify " " the alignment matrix so the reconstruction will have " " the new symmetry provided\n" ) # move vector line = form.addLine( 'source vector', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, help='Vector will be rotated until overlaps target vector') line.addParam('xs', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, label="x", help="X Coordinate ") line.addParam('ys', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, label="y", help="Y dim ") line.addParam('zs', params.FloatParam, default=1, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, label="z", help="Z dim ") line = form.addLine( 'target vector', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, help='source vector will be rotated until ' 'overlaps target vector') line.addParam('xt', params.FloatParam, default=1, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, label="x", help="X Coordinate ") line.addParam( 'yt', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, label="y", help="Y dim ") line.addParam('zt', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR, label="z", help="Z dim ") # rotate vector line = form.addLine( 'rotate around vector', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR, help='rotate around this vector by "angle" angles') line.addParam('x', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR, label="x", help="X coordinate ") line.addParam('y', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR, label="y", help="Y coordinate ") line.addParam('z', params.FloatParam, default=1, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR, label="z", help="Z coordinate") line.addParam('angle', params.FloatParam, default=0, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR, label="angle (degrees)", help="rotation angle ") # Icosahedral symmetry line = form.addLine( 'Icosahedral symmetry', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL, help='convert between icosahedral symmetries') line.addParam( "originSymmetryGroupI", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL, label="origin", help="Source symmetry. ", choices=list(self.ICOSAHEDRAL_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_I222r - SYM_I222, ) line.addParam( "targetSymmetryGroupI", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL, label="target", help="Target symmetry. ", choices=list(self.ICOSAHEDRAL_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_I222 - SYM_I222 ) # Dihedral symmetry line = form.addLine( 'Dihedral symmetry', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_DIHEDRAL, help='convert between dihedral symmetries') line.addParam( "originSymmetryGroupD", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_DIHEDRAL, label="origin", help="Source symmetry. ", choices=list(self.DIHEDRAL_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_DIHEDRAL_X - SYM_DIHEDRAL_X, ) line.addParam( "targetSymmetryGroupD", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_DIHEDRAL, label="target", help="Target symmetry. ", choices=list(self.DIHEDRAL_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_DIHEDRAL_Y - SYM_DIHEDRAL_X, ) # Tetrahedral symmetry line = form.addLine( 'Tetrahedral symmetry', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL, help='convert between dihedral symmetries' ) line.addParam( "originSymmetryGroupT", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL, label="origin", help="Source symmetry. ", choices=list(self.TETRAHEDRAL_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_Z3 - SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222, ) line.addParam( "targetSymmetryGroupT", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL, label="target", help="Target symmetry. ", choices=list(self.TETRAHEDRAL_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222 - SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222, ) # Move to UC line = form.addLine( 'Move to Unit cell', condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_UC, help='Move particles to a symmetry unit cell' ) line.addParam( "targetSymmetryToMove", params.EnumParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_UC, label="Symmetry", help="Symmetry type to use.", choices=list(SCIPION_SYM_NAME.values()), default=SYM_CYCLIC, ) line.addParam( "symmetryOrderToMove", params.IntParam, condition="operation==%d" % self.CHOICE_MOVE_UC, label="Order", help="Order of the symmetry: 6 for C6, ...", default=6, ) def _insertAllSteps(self): operation = self.operation.get() if operation == self.CHOICE_MOVE_VECTOR: self._insertFunctionStep(self.rotateStep) elif operation == self.CHOICE_ROTATE_VECTOR: self._insertFunctionStep(self.rotateVectorStep) elif operation == self.CHOICE_ICOSAHEDRAL: self._insertFunctionStep(self.rotateIcosahedralStep) elif operation == self.CHOICE_DIHEDRAL: self._insertFunctionStep(self.rotateDiStep) elif operation == self.CHOICE_TETRAHEDRAL: self._insertFunctionStep(self.rotateTetraStep) elif operation == self.CHOICE_MOVE_UC: self._insertFunctionStep(self.moveToUCStep)
[docs] def moveToUCStep(self): """ Moves the particle alignment information to the same unit cell based on the symmetry specified.""" from pwem.convert import SymmetryHelper"Moving particle orientation to %s%s" % (self.targetSymmetryToMove.get(),self.symmetryOrderToMove.get())) inputSet = self.inputSet.get() modifiedSet = inputSet.createCopy(self._getExtraPath(), copyInfo=True) for sourceItem in inputSet.iterItems(): item = sourceItem.clone() SymmetryHelper.moveParticleInsideUnitCell(item, symmetry=self.targetSymmetryToMove.get(), symmetryOrder=self.symmetryOrderToMove.get()) modifiedSet.append(item) self.createOutput(self.inputSet, modifiedSet)
[docs] def rotateTetraStep(self): """ Compute rotation matrix between tetrahedral symmetries and apply it to the projection directions """ from pwem.convert.symmetry import Tetrahedral origSym = self.originSymmetryGroupT.get() + SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222 targetSym = self.targetSymmetryGroupT.get() + SYM_TETRAHEDRAL_222"Rotating Tetrahedral symmetry from %s to %s." %(origSym, targetSym)) tetrahedral = Tetrahedral(sym=origSym) matrix = tetrahedral.coordinateSystemTransform(origSym, targetSym) # convert to numpy array # and add extra row matrix = np.array(matrix) matrix = np.append(matrix, [[0, 0, 0, 1]], axis=0) self.applyMatrix(matrix)
[docs] def rotateDiStep(self): """ Compute rotation matrix from one dihedral symmetry to another and apply it to the projection directions """ from pwem.convert.symmetry import Dihedral origSym = self.originSymmetryGroupD.get() + SYM_DIHEDRAL_X targetSym = self.targetSymmetryGroupD.get() + SYM_DIHEDRAL_X # n is a required parameter not used in this case dihedral = Dihedral(sym=origSym, n=1) matrix = dihedral.coordinateSystemTransform(origSym, targetSym) # convert to numpy array # and add extra row matrix = np.array(matrix) matrix = np.append(matrix, [[0, 0, 0, 1]], axis=0) self.applyMatrix(matrix)
[docs] def rotateIcosahedralStep(self): """ Compute rotation matrix from one icosahedral symmetry to another and apply it to projection directions. Reconstructed volume should change symmetry """ from pwem.convert.symmetry import Icosahedron origSym = self.originSymmetryGroupI.get() + SYM_I222 targetSym = self.targetSymmetryGroupI.get() + SYM_I222 ico = Icosahedron(orientation=SCIPION_SYM_NAME[origSym][1:]) matrix = ico.coordinateSystemTransform(SCIPION_SYM_NAME[origSym][1:], SCIPION_SYM_NAME[targetSym][1:]) # convert to numpy array # and add extra row matrix = np.array(matrix) matrix = np.append(matrix, [[0, 0, 0, 1]], axis=0) self.applyMatrix(matrix)
[docs] def createOutput(self, inputSet, modifiedSet): outputArgs = {inputSet.getExtended(): modifiedSet} self._defineOutputs(**outputArgs)
[docs] def rotateStep(self): """ Compute rotation matrix between user provided vectors (x,y,z) and (x',y',z') and apply it to projection directions. Reconstructed volume should rotate """ v_source = np.array([self.xs.get(), self.ys.get(), self.zs.get()]) v_source = v_source / np.linalg.norm(v_source) v_target = np.array([self.xt.get(),, self.zt.get()]) v_target = v_target / np.linalg.norm(v_target) matrix = rotation_matrix(angle_between_vectors(v_source, v_target), vector_product(v_source, v_target))"rotateStep:matrix %s" % matrix) self.applyMatrix(matrix)
[docs] def applyMatrix(self, matrix): """ Applies the matrix the to whole input set and creates the output""" inputSet = self.inputSet.get() modifiedSet = inputSet.createCopy(self._getExtraPath(), copyInfo=True) for sourceItem in inputSet.iterItems(): item = sourceItem.clone() transformation = item.getTransform() transformation.composeTransform(matrix) modifiedSet.append(item) self.createOutput(self.inputSet, modifiedSet)
[docs] def rotateVectorStep(self): """ Compute rotation matrix around user provided vector (x,y,z) and rotate "angle" degrees the projection directions. Reconstructed volume should rotate around axis """ v_source = np.array([self.x.get(), self.y.get(), self.z.get()]) v_source = v_source / np.linalg.norm(v_source) angle = np.radians(self.angle.get()) matrix = rotation_matrix(angle, v_source)"matrix_rot_vector: %s" % matrix) self.applyMatrix(matrix)
def _validate(self): errors = [] inputSet = self.inputSet.get() if not isinstance(inputSet, SetOfParticles): errors.append("The input data set is not a set of particles") if not inputSet.hasAlignmentProj(): errors.append("The input data set does not have alignment 3D") return errors