Source code for pwem.protocols.protocol_import.volumes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************
import enum
import logging
import os.path

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from os.path import exists, basename, abspath, relpath, join, splitext
from os import stat
from numpy import array
from numpy.linalg import norm
import glob

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
import pwem.objects as emobj
import pwem.convert as emconv
from pwem import emlib

from .base import ProtImportFiles
from .images import ProtImportImages

[docs]class ImportVolumeOutputs(enum.Enum): outputVolume = emobj.Volume outputVolumes = emobj.SetOfVolumes
[docs]class ProtImportVolumes(ProtImportImages): """Protocol to import a set of volumes to the project""" _outputClassName = 'SetOfVolumes' _label = 'import volumes' _possibleOutputs = ImportVolumeOutputs IMPORT_FROM_EMDB = 1 def __init__(self, **args): ProtImportImages.__init__(self, **args) def _getImportChoices(self): """ Return a list of possible choices from which the import can be done. (usually packages formats such as: xmipp3, eman2, relion...etc. """ return ['local file', 'EMDBid'] def _defineAcquisitionParams(self, form): """ Define acquisition parameters, it can be overwritten by subclasses to change what parameters to include. """ param = form.getParam('importFrom') # Customize the help of this parameter with specific information # of the import particles'Import 3D map data from EMDB server or local file') form.addParam('emdbId', params.IntParam, condition='importFrom != IMPORT_FROM_FILES', label="EMDB map ID (integer)", allowsNull=True, help='Type an EMDB ID (Integer). ') form.addParam('setHalfMaps', params.BooleanParam, condition='importFrom == IMPORT_FROM_FILES', label='Set half maps', help='Option YES:\nAssign two half maps to the imported map.', default=False) form.addParam('half1map', params.PathParam, label='Path half map1', help='Select first half map', condition='setHalfMaps') form.addParam('half2map', params.PathParam, label='Path half map2', help='Select second half map', condition='setHalfMaps') form.addParam('samplingRate', params.FloatParam, condition='importFrom == IMPORT_FROM_FILES', label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_SAMP_RATE) form.addParam('setOrigCoord', params.BooleanParam, label="Set origin of coordinates", help="Option YES:\nA new volume will be created with " "the " "given ORIGIN of coordinates. This ORIGIN will be " "set in the map file header.\nThe ORIGIN of " "coordinates will be placed at the center of the " "whole volume if you select n(x)/2, n(y)/2, " "n(z)/2 as " "x, y, z coordinates (n(x), n(y), n(z) are the " "dimensions of the whole volume). However, " "selecting " "0, 0, 0 as x, y, z coordinates, the volume will be " "placed at the upper right-hand corner.\n\n" "Option NO:\nThe ORIGIN of coordinates will be " "placed at the center of the whole volume (" "coordinates n(x)/2, n(y)/2, n(z)/2 by default). " "This " "ORIGIN will NOT be set in the map file header.\n\n" "WARNING: In case you want to process " "the volume with programs requiring a specific " "symmetry regarding the origin of coordinates, " "for example the protocol extract unit " "cell, check carefully that the coordinates of the " "origin preserve the symmetry of the whole volume. " "This is particularly relevant for loading " "fragments/subunits of the whole volume.\n", default=False) line = form.addLine('Offset', help="A wizard will suggest you possible " "coordinates for the ORIGIN. In MRC volume " "files, the ORIGIN coordinates will be " "obtained from the file header.\n " "In case you prefer set your own ORIGIN " "coordinates, write them here. You have to " "provide the map center coordinates in " "Angstroms (pixels x sampling).\n", condition='setOrigCoord') # line.addParam would produce a nicer looking form # but them the wizard icon is drawn outside the visible # window. Until this bug is fixed form is a better option form.addParam('x', params.FloatParam, condition='setOrigCoord', label="x", help="offset along x axis (Angstroms)") form.addParam('y', params.FloatParam, condition='setOrigCoord', label="y", help="offset along y axis (Angstroms)") form.addParam('z', params.FloatParam, condition='setOrigCoord', label="z", help="offset along z axis (Angstroms)") def _insertAllSteps(self): if self.importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_FILES: self._insertFunctionStep(self.importFromFileStep, self.getPattern(), self.samplingRate.get(), self.setOrigCoord.get()) else: self._insertFunctionStep(self.importFromEMDBStep) # --------------------------- STEPS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def importFromFileStep(self, pattern, samplingRate, setOrigCoord=False): """ Copy images matching the filename pattern Register other parameters. """ volSet = self._createSetOfVolumes() vol = emobj.Volume()"Using pattern: '%s'" % pattern) # Create a Volume template object vol.setSamplingRate(samplingRate) imgh = emlib.image.ImageHandler() volSet.setSamplingRate(samplingRate) for fileName, fileId in self.iterFiles(): x, y, z, n = imgh.getDimensions(fileName) if fileName.endswith('.mrc') or fileName.endswith('.map'): fileName += ':mrc' if z == 1 and n != 1: zDim = n n = 1 else: zDim = z else: zDim = z origin = emobj.Transform() if setOrigCoord: origin.setShiftsTuple(self._getOrigCoord()) else: origin.setShifts(x / -2. * samplingRate, y / -2. * samplingRate, zDim / -2. * samplingRate) vol.setOrigin(origin) # read origin from form if self.copyFiles or setOrigCoord: newFileName = abspath(self._getVolumeFileName(fileName, "mrc")) emconv.Ccp4Header.fixFile(fileName, newFileName, origin.getShifts(), samplingRate, emconv.Ccp4Header.ORIGIN) if self.setHalfMaps.get(): newFileName1 = abspath(self._getVolumeFileName(self.half1map.get(), "mrc")) emconv.Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.half1map.get(), newFileName1, origin.getShifts(), samplingRate, emconv.Ccp4Header.ORIGIN) newFileName2 = abspath(self._getVolumeFileName(self.half2map.get(), "mrc")) emconv.Ccp4Header.fixFile(self.half2map.get(), newFileName2, origin.getShifts(), samplingRate, emconv.Ccp4Header.ORIGIN) vol.setHalfMaps([relpath(newFileName1), relpath(newFileName2)]) else: newFileName = abspath(self._getVolumeFileName(fileName)) if fileName.endswith(':mrc'): fileName = fileName[:-4] pwutils.createAbsLink(fileName, newFileName) if self.setHalfMaps.get(): pwutils.createAbsLink(self.half1map.get(), abspath(self._getVolumeFileName(self.half1map.get()))) pwutils.createAbsLink(self.half2map.get(), abspath(self._getVolumeFileName(self.half2map.get()))) vol.setHalfMaps([relpath(self._getVolumeFileName(self.half1map.get())), relpath(self._getVolumeFileName(self.half2map.get())) ]) # Make newFileName relative # newFileName = relpath(newFileName) if n == 1: vol.cleanObjId() vol.setFileName(newFileName) vol.setObjComment(vol.getBaseName()) volSet.append(vol) else: for index in range(1, n + 1): vol.cleanObjId() vol.setLocation(index, newFileName) vol.setObjComment("%s@%s" % (index, vol.getBaseName())) volSet.append(vol) if volSet.getSize() > 1: self._defineOutputs(**{}) else: self._defineOutputs(**{})
[docs] def importFromEMDBStep(self): """ Copy images matching the filename pattern Register other parameters. """ vol = emobj.Volume()"Downloading map with ID = %s" % self.emdbId) localFileName, sampling, origin = \ fetch_emdb_map(self.emdbId, self._getExtraPath(), self._getTmpPath()) # open volume and fill sampling and origin self.samplingRate.set(sampling) self._store(self.samplingRate) vol.setSamplingRate(sampling) vol.setFileName(localFileName) from import Transform originMat = Transform() originMat.setShifts(origin[0], origin[1], origin[2]) vol.setOrigin(originMat) self._defineOutputs(**{})
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _getVolMessage(self): if self.hasAttribute('outputVolume'): return "Volume %s" % self.getObjectTag('outputVolume') else: return "Volumes %s" % self.getObjectTag('outputVolumes') def _summary(self): summary = [] if self.hasAttribute('outputVolume') or \ self.hasAttribute('outputVolumes'): summary.append("%s imported from:\n%s" % (self._getVolMessage(), self.getPattern())) summary.append(u"Sampling rate: *%0.2f* (Å/px)" % self.samplingRate.get()) return summary def _methods(self): methods = [] if self.hasAttribute('outputVolume') or \ self.hasAttribute('outputVolumes'): methods.append(" %s imported with a sampling rate *%0.2f*" % (self._getVolMessage(), self.samplingRate.get()), ) return methods def _getVolumeFileName(self, fileName, extension=None): if extension is not None: baseFileName = "import_" + basename(fileName).split(".")[0] + ".%s" % extension else: baseFileName = "import_" + basename(fileName).split(":")[0] return self._getExtraPath(baseFileName) def _getOrigCoord(self): return -1. * self.x.get(), -1. * self.y.get(), -1. * self.z.get() def _validate(self): errors = super(ProtImportVolumes, self)._validate() if (not self.filesPattern.empty()) and self.setHalfMaps.get(): errors.append("You can not use the options 'Pattern' " "and 'Set half maps' simultaneously") return errors
[docs]class ProtImportPdb(ProtImportFiles): """ Protocol to import an atomic structure to the project. Format may be PDB or MMCIF""" _label = 'import atomic structure' IMPORT_FROM_ID = 0 IMPORT_FROM_FILES = 1 SYMPLIFIED_STRUCT = "symplified_atom_structure.cif" def __init__(self, **args): ProtImportFiles.__init__(self, **args) def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputPdbData', params.EnumParam, choices=['id', 'file'], label="Import atomic structure from", default=self.IMPORT_FROM_ID, display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, help='Import mmCIF data from online server or local file') form.addParam('pdbId', params.StringParam, condition='inputPdbData == IMPORT_FROM_ID', label="Atomic structure ID ", allowsNull=True, help='Type a mmCIF ID (four alphanumeric characters).') form.addParam('pdbFile', params.PathParam, label="File path", condition='inputPdbData == IMPORT_FROM_FILES', allowsNull=True, help='Specify a path to desired atomic structure.') form.addParam('inputVolume', params.PointerParam, label="Input Volume", pointerClass='Volume', allowsNull=True, help='Associate this volume to the mmCIF file.') def _insertAllSteps(self): if self.inputPdbData == self.IMPORT_FROM_ID: self._insertFunctionStep('pdbDownloadStep') else: self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep', self.pdbFile.get())
[docs] def pdbDownloadStep(self): """Download all pdb files in file_list and unzip them. """ aSH = emconv.AtomicStructHandler() print("retrieving atomic structure with ID = %s" % self.pdbId.get()) atomStructPath = aSH.readFromPDBDatabase(self.pdbId.get(), type='mmCif', dir=self._getExtraPath()) self.createOutputStep(atomStructPath)
# downloadPdb(self.pdbId.get(), pdbPath, self._log)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self, atomStructPath): """ Copy the PDB structure and register the output object. """ if not exists(atomStructPath): raise Exception("Atomic structure not found at *%s*" % atomStructPath) baseName = basename(atomStructPath) localPath = abspath(self._getExtraPath(baseName)) try: from chimera import Plugin as chimeraPlugin localPath = localPath[:-4] + localPath[-4:].replace(".pdb", ".cif") args = f'--nogui --cmd "open {atomStructPath}; save {localPath}; exit"' chimeraPlugin.runChimeraProgram(chimeraPlugin.getProgram(), args) except ImportError: if str(atomStructPath) != str(localPath): # from local file pwutils.copyFile(atomStructPath, localPath) localPath = relpath(localPath) pdb = emobj.AtomStruct() volume = self.inputVolume.get() # if a volume exists assign it to the pdb object # IMPORTANT: we DO need "if volume is not None" # because we need to persist the pdb object # before we can make the last source relation if volume is not None: pdb.setVolume(volume) pdb.setFileName(localPath) self._defineOutputs(outputPdb=pdb) if volume is not None: self._defineSourceRelation(volume, pdb)
def _summary(self): if self.inputPdbData == self.IMPORT_FROM_ID: summary = ['Atomic structure imported from ID: *%s*' % self.pdbId] else: summary = ['Atomic structure imported from file: *%s*' % self.pdbFile] return summary def _validate(self): errors = [] if (self.inputPdbData == self.IMPORT_FROM_FILES and not exists( self.pdbFile.get())): errors.append("Atomic structure not found at *%s*" % self.pdbFile.get()) # TODO: maybe also validate that if exists is a valid PDB file return errors
[docs]class ProtImportSetOfAtomStructs(ProtImportFiles): """ Protocol to import a set of atomic structure to the project. Format may be PDB or MMCIF""" _label = 'import set of atomic structures' _OUTNAME = 'outputAtomStructs' _possibleOutputs = {_OUTNAME: emobj.SetOfAtomStructs} IMPORT_FROM_ID = 0 IMPORT_FROM_FILES = 1 def __init__(self, **args): ProtImportFiles.__init__(self, **args) def _defineParams(self, form): form.addSection(label='Input') form.addParam('inputPdbData', params.EnumParam, choices=['id', 'file'], label="Import atomic structures from", default=self.IMPORT_FROM_ID, display=params.EnumParam.DISPLAY_HLIST, help='Import mmCIF data from online server or local files') form.addParam('pdbIds', params.StringParam, condition='inputPdbData == IMPORT_FROM_ID', label="Atomic structure IDs ", allowsNull=True, help='Type a mmCIF ID (four alphanumeric characters, comma-separated)\n' 'i.e: 5ni1, 1ake') form.addParam('filesPath', params.PathParam, label="Files directory path: ", condition='inputPdbData == IMPORT_FROM_FILES', allowsNull=True, help="Specify a path to the directory where the files are stored.\n" "The path can also contain wildcards to select" "from several folders. \n\n" "Examples:\n" " ~/project/data/day??_files/\n" "Each '?' represents one unknown character\n\n" " ~/project/data/day*_files/\n" "'*' represents any number of unknown characters\n\n" " ~/project/data/day##_files/\n" "'##' represents two digits that will be used as " "file ID\n\n" "NOTE: wildcard characters ('*', '?', '#') " "cannot appear in the actual path.)") form.addParam('filesPattern', params.StringParam, condition='inputPdbData == IMPORT_FROM_FILES', label='Pattern: ', default="*", help="Pattern of the files to be imported.\n\n" "The pattern can contain standard wildcards such as\n" "*, ?, etc, or special ones like ### to mark some\n" "digits in the filename as ID.\n\n" "NOTE: wildcards and special characters " "('*', '?', '#', ':', '%') cannot appear in the " "actual path.\n\n" "You may create AtomStruct from PDB (.pdb) or CIF/mmCIF (.cif)") def _insertAllSteps(self): if self.inputPdbData == self.IMPORT_FROM_ID: self._insertFunctionStep('pdbDownloadStep') else: filenames = [] for fn in glob.glob(join(self.filesPath.get(), self.filesPattern.get())): filenames.append(fn) self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep', filenames)
[docs] def pdbDownloadStep(self): """Download all pdb files in file_list and unzip them. """ aSH = emconv.AtomicStructHandler() ASPaths = [] for pdbId in self.pdbIds.get().split(','): print("retrieving atomic structure with ID = %s" % pdbId) ASPaths.append(aSH.readFromPDBDatabase(pdbId.strip(), type='mmCif', dir=self._getExtraPath())) self.createOutputStep(ASPaths)
[docs] def createOutputStep(self, atomStructPaths): """ Copy the PDB structures and register the output object. """ outASs = emobj.SetOfAtomStructs().create(self._getPath()) numStructs = len(atomStructPaths) padding_format_str = '%0' + str(len(str(numStructs))) + 'd' for atomStructPath in atomStructPaths: if not exists(atomStructPath): raise Exception("Atomic structure not found at *%s*" % atomStructPath) baseName = basename(atomStructPath) localPath = abspath(self._getExtraPath(baseName)) if str(atomStructPath) != str(localPath): # from local file if exists(localPath): localPath = splitext(localPath)[0] + padding_format_str % (i+1) + splitext(localPath)[1] i += 1 else: i = 0 pwutils.copyFile(atomStructPath, localPath) localPath = relpath(localPath) outASs.append(emobj.AtomStruct(filename=localPath)) self._defineOutputs(**{self._OUTNAME:outASs})
def _summary(self): if self.inputPdbData == self.IMPORT_FROM_ID: summary = ['Atomic structure imported from IDs: *%s*' % self.pdbIds] else: summary = ['Atomic structure imported from files: *%s*' % self.filesPattern] return summary def _validate(self): errors = [] return errors
[docs]def fetch_emdb_map(id, directory, tmpDirectory): """ get map from emd :param id: 3D MAP ID in EMDB :return: local 3Dmap filename """ import socket # get computer name and select server url_rest_api = "" hname = socket.gethostname() if hname.endswith('.edu') or hname.endswith('.gov'): site = '' url_pattern = 'ftp://%s/pub/emdb/structures/EMD-%s/map/%s' elif hname.endswith('.cn'): site = '' url_pattern = 'ftp://%s/structures/EMD-%s/map/%s' else: site = '' url_pattern = 'ftp://%s/pub/databases/emdb/structures/EMD-%s/map/%s' if len(str(id)) < 4: id = '%04d' % id else: id = '%d' % id map_name = '' % id map_gz_name = map_name + '.gz' map_url = url_pattern % (site, id, map_gz_name) name = 'EMD-%s' % id minimum_map_size = 8192 # bytes url_rest_api = url_rest_api % id nTimes = 3 for i in range(nTimes): # if error repeat the fetch file up to nTimes try: # raise Exception("test") # uncomment to test this loop map_path, samplingAPI, originAPI = fetch_file(map_url, url_rest_api, name, minimum_map_size, directory, tmpDirectory, map_name ) break except Exception as e: if i+1<nTimes:"Retrieving 3D map with id=%s failed retrying (%d/%d)" % (id, i+1, nTimes)) else: logger.error("Cannot retrieve File from EMDB", exc_info=e) originAPI = array(originAPI) * samplingAPI # convert to Angstrom # check consistency between file header and rest API ccp4header = emconv.Ccp4Header(map_path, readHeader=True) samplingHeader = ccp4header.computeSampling() # unit = A/px originHeader = array(ccp4header.getOrigin()) # unit = A if abs(samplingHeader - samplingAPI) >= 0.01: print("###########################\n" "WARNING: sampling rate stored in EMDB\n" "database and 3D map header file do not match\n" "API=%f, header=%f\n" "###########################\n" % (samplingAPI, samplingHeader)) if norm(originHeader - originAPI) >= 0.1: print("###########################\n" "WARNING: origin stored in EMDB\n" "database and 3D map header file do not match\n" "API=%f, header=%f\n" "###########################\n" % (originAPI[0], originHeader[0])) return map_path, samplingAPI, originAPI
[docs]def fetch_file(url, url_rest_api, name, minimum_file_size=8192, save_dir='', tmp_dir='', save_name=''): """ Download 3DMAPfile from EMDB :param name: EMB name id, format -> EMD-id :param url_rest_api: EMDB rest api, here we ay ask for 3D map properties :param tmp_dir: directory in which the compressed file will be saved temporarily :param url: 3D map url :param minimum_file_size: :param save_dir: save file in this directory :param save_name: local filename :return: local file name """ import urllib.request import requests noCompressName = join(save_dir, save_name) compressName = join(tmp_dir, save_name + ".gz") # If uncompressed file exists if os.path.exists(noCompressName):"File fetching skip: file %s exists." % noCompressName) else:"Fetching file from %s" % url) urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=compressName) if stat(compressName).st_size < minimum_file_size: raise Exception("File Downloaded from EMDB is empty") gunzip(compressName, noCompressName)"Fetching metadata from %s" % url_rest_api) json_results = requests.get(url_rest_api).json() sampling_tag = "pixel_spacing" sampling_x_tag = "x" origin_tag = "origin" origin_x_tag = "col" origin_y_tag = "row" origin_z_tag = "sec" # units A/px results = json_results['map'] sampling = float(results[sampling_tag][sampling_x_tag]['valueOf_']) # units unknown may be pixels since this is integer x = float(results[origin_tag][origin_x_tag]) y = float(results[origin_tag][origin_y_tag]) z = float(results[origin_tag][origin_z_tag]) return noCompressName, sampling, (x, y, z)
[docs]def gunzip(gzpath, path): import gzip gzf = f = open(path, 'wb') f.write( f.close() gzf.close()