Source code for pwem.protocols.protocol_import.micrographs

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# *              Kevin Savage ( [2]
# *
# * [1] Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# * [2] Diamond Light Source, Ltd
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************
import enum
import os
from os.path import join, basename
import re
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params

from pwem import Domain, getMatchingFiles
from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
import pwem.constants as emcts

from .images import ProtImportImages
from ...objects import SetOfMicrographs, SetOfMovies

[docs]class ProtImportMicBase(ProtImportImages): """ Just to have a base class to both ProtImportMicrographs and ProtImportMovies """ _checkStacks = False def _defineAcquisitionParams(self, form): group = ProtImportImages._defineAcquisitionParams(self, form) group.addParam('samplingRateMode', params.EnumParam, choices=[pwutils.Message.LABEL_SAMP_MODE_1, pwutils.Message.LABEL_SAMP_MODE_2], default=emcts.SAMPLING_FROM_IMAGE, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_SAMP_MODE, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_SAMP_MODE) group.addParam('samplingRate', params.FloatParam, default=1.0, condition='samplingRateMode==%d' % emcts.SAMPLING_FROM_IMAGE, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_SAMP_RATE, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_SAMP_RATE) group.addParam('scannedPixelSize', params.FloatParam, default=7.0, condition='samplingRateMode==%d' % emcts.SAMPLING_FROM_SCANNER, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_SCANNED, help='') return group def _defineBlacklistParams(self, form): """ Options to blacklist certain items when launching the import protocol. """ form.addSection(label="Rejection") form.addParam("blacklistSet", params.PointerParam, pointerClass=self._getBlacklistSetClass(), allowsNull=True, label="Reject from Set", help="Files on this set will not be imported") form.addParam('blacklistDateFrom', params.StringParam, label="Reject from", allowsNull=True, help="Files acquired after this date will not be imported. " "Must follow format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS \n" "e.g: 2019-01-14 14:18:05") form.addParam('blacklistDateTo', params.StringParam, label="Reject before", allowsNull=True, help="Files acquired before this date will not be imported. " "Must follow format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS \n" "e.g: 2019-01-14 14:18:05") form.addParam('useRegexps', params.BooleanParam, default=True, label='Rejection file has RegExps', help="Choose Yes if the rejection file contains regular expressions. Set to No if " "the rejection file contains file names. Ignore if not using a rejection file") form.addParam('blacklistFile', params.FileParam, label="Blacklist File", allowsNull=True, help="Reject everything included in this file. If Use RegExps is True," "lines will be interpreted as regular expressions. E.g: \n" "(.*)GRID_0[1-5](.*)\n" "(.*)/GRID_10/Falcon_2019_01_14-16_(.*)\n" "If Use RegExps is False, lines will be interpreted as file names. E.g.\n" "/path/to/GRID_10/Falcon_2019_01_14-16_51_20_0_movie.mrcs\n" "/path/to/GRID_10/Falcon_2019_01_14-16_55_40_0_movie.mrcs" ) def _getBlacklistSetClass(self): """ Returns the class to be blacklisted by this protocol. """ return "SetOfImages" def _validateBlacklist(self): errors = [] blacklistBySet = self.blacklistSet.get() if blacklistBySet and blacklistBySet.isStreamOpen(): errors.append("Can't blacklist an open set. " "Please stop streaming or wait until streaming is done to blacklist this set.") dates = [self.blacklistDateFrom.get(), self.blacklistDateTo.get()] parsedDates = [] for d in dates: if d: try: parsedDates.append(datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) except ValueError as e: errors.append("Bad date formatting in blacklist date %s: %s" % (d, e)) if len(parsedDates) == 2 and parsedDates[0] > parsedDates[1]: errors.append("Wrong blacklist dates: date from must be earlier than date to") return errors def _validate(self): errors = ProtImportImages._validate(self) errors += self._validateBlacklist() return errors
[docs] def setSamplingRate(self, micSet): """ Set the sampling rate to the given set. """ if self.samplingRateMode == emcts.SAMPLING_FROM_IMAGE: micSet.setSamplingRate(self.samplingRate.get()) else: micSet.setScannedPixelSize(self.scannedPixelSize.get())
def _acquisitionWizardCondition(self): """ By default this wizard will appears only when we import from a format that is not from files. But movie-import also can have a wizard to read from FEI xml files. """ return 'True'
[docs] def loadAcquisitionInfo(self): """ Return a proper acquisitionInfo (dict) or an error message (str). """ if self.importFrom != self.IMPORT_FROM_FILES: return ProtImportImages.loadAcquisitionInfo(self) result = "Could not find acquisition information" for fileName, fileId in self.iterFiles(): baseName = pwutils.removeExt(fileName) xml1 = f"{baseName.rsplit('_', 1)[0]}.xml" if os.path.exists(xml1): result = self._parseXML(xml1) else: xml2 = baseName + '.xml' result = self._parseXML(xml2) return result
def _parseXML(self, fileName): """ Parse micrograph XML files from FEI. """ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET # get context context = iter(ET.iterparse(fileName, events=('start', 'end'))) labels = {'AccelerationVoltage': 'voltage', 'InstrumentModel': 'InstrumentModel', 'NominalMagnification': 'magnification'} # acq['amplitudeContrast'] = None # acq['sphericalAberration'] = None acq = {} def get(key, elem): acq[labels[key]] = elem.text pixelSize = False for event, elem in context: if event == 'start': if 'pixelSize' in elem.tag: print("started: pixelSize") pixelSize = True elif event == 'end': for l in labels: if '}%s' % l in elem.tag: get(l, elem) if '}numericValue' in elem.tag and pixelSize: acq['samplingRate'] = float(elem.text) * 10e+09 # Convert to A pixelSize = False else: raise Exception("Unknown event type %s" % event) # Correct for units conversion acq['voltage'] = float(acq['voltage']) / 1000. return acq
[docs] def getItemsToBlacklistFromFile(self): if not hasattr(self, '_fileItemsToBlacklist'): blacklistfile = self.blacklistFile.get() blacklistItems = set() if blacklistfile: with open(blacklistfile, 'r') as f: for blacklistedItem in f: blacklistedItem = blacklistedItem.strip() blacklistItems.add(blacklistedItem) self._fileItemsToBlacklist = blacklistItems return self._fileItemsToBlacklist
[docs] def getBlacklistedItems(self): if not hasattr(self, '_blacklistedItems'): self._blacklistedItems = set() return self._blacklistedItems
[docs] def isBlacklisted(self, fileName): # check if already blacklisted blacklistedItems = self.getBlacklistedItems() if fileName in blacklistedItems: return True # Blacklisted by set blacklistSet = self.blacklistSet.get() if blacklistSet is not None: for img in blacklistSet: blacklistFileName = img.getFileName() if ((os.path.islink(blacklistFileName) and fileName == os.readlink(blacklistFileName)) or (self._getUniqueFileName(fileName) == os.path.basename(blacklistFileName))):"Blacklist warning: %s is blacklisted by the input set" % fileName) blacklistedItems.add(fileName) return True # Blacklisted by date blacklistDateFrom = self.blacklistDateFrom.get() blacklistDateTo = self.blacklistDateTo.get() doDateBlacklist = blacklistDateFrom is not None or blacklistDateTo is not None if doDateBlacklist: fileDate = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fileName)) if blacklistDateFrom: parsedDateFrom = datetime.strptime(blacklistDateFrom, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if blacklistDateTo: parsedDateTo = datetime.strptime(blacklistDateTo, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if parsedDateFrom <= fileDate <= parsedDateTo:"Blacklist warning: %s is blacklisted by date" % fileName) blacklistedItems.add(fileName) return True else: if parsedDateFrom <= fileDate:"Blacklist warning: %s is blacklisted by date" % fileName) blacklistedItems.add(fileName) return True elif blacklistDateTo: parsedDateTo = datetime.strptime(blacklistDateTo, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") if fileDate <= parsedDateTo:"Blacklist warning: %s is blacklisted by date" % fileName) blacklistedItems.add(fileName) return True # Blacklisted by file items2blacklist = self.getItemsToBlacklistFromFile() for item2blacklist in items2blacklist: if self.useRegexps.get(): if re.match(item2blacklist, fileName):"Blacklist warning: %s matched blacklist regexp %s" % (fileName, item2blacklist)) blacklistedItems.add(fileName) return True elif fileName in item2blacklist:"Blacklist warning: %s is blacklisted " % fileName) blacklistedItems.add(fileName) return True return False
[docs]class ImportMicsOutput(enum.Enum): outputMicrographs = SetOfMicrographs
[docs]class ProtImportMicrographs(ProtImportMicBase): """Protocol to import a set of micrographs to the project""" _label = 'import micrographs' _possibleOutputs = ImportMicsOutput _outputClassName = ImportMicsOutput.outputMicrographs.value.__name__ IMPORT_FROM_EMX = 1 IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP3 = 2 IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION = 3 def _getImportChoices(self): """ Return a list of possible choices from which the import can be done. (usually packages formats such as: xmipp3, eman2, relion...etc. """ choices = ProtImportImages._getImportChoices(self) return choices + ['emx', 'xmipp3', 'scipion'] def _getBlacklistSetClass(self): """ Returns the class to be blacklisted by this protocol. """ return "SetOfMicrographs" def _defineImportParams(self, form): """ Just redefine to put some import parameters before the acquisition related parameters. """ form.addParam('emxFile', params.FileParam, condition='(importFrom == %d)' % self.IMPORT_FROM_EMX, label='Input EMX file', help="Select the EMX file containing micrographs information.\n" "See more about [[][EMX format]]") form.addParam('mdFile', params.FileParam, condition='(importFrom == %d)' % self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP3, label='Micrographs metadata file', help="Select the micrographs Xmipp metadata file.\n" "It is usually a _micrograph.xmd_ file result\n" "from import, preprocess or downsample protocols.") form.addParam('sqliteFile', params.FileParam, condition='(importFrom == %d)' % self.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION, label='Micrographs sqlite file', help="Select the micrographs sqlite file.\n") # --------------------------- INSERT functions ---------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): importFrom = self.importFrom.get() ci = self.getImportClass() if ci is None: ProtImportMicBase._insertAllSteps(self) else: self._insertFunctionStep('importMicrographsStep', importFrom, self.importFilePath) # --------------------------- STEPS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def importMicrographsStep(self, importFrom, *args): ci = self.getImportClass() ci.importMicrographs() summary = "Import from *%s* file:\n" % self.getEnumText('importFrom') summary += self.importFilePath + '\n' if self.hasAttribute('outputParticles'): particles = self.outputParticles summary += ' Particles: *%d* (ctf=%s, alignment=%s)\n' % (particles.getSize(), particles.hasCTF(), particles.getAlignment()) if self.hasAttribute('outputCoordinates'): # EMX files can contain only Coordinates information summary += ' Coordinates: *%d* \n' % (self.outputCoordinates.getSize()) if self.hasAttribute('outputMicrographs'): # EMX files can contain only Coordinates information summary += ' Micrographs: *%d* \n' % (self.outputMicrographs.getSize()) if self.copyFiles: summary += ('\n_WARNING_: Binary files copied into project ' '(extra disk space)') self.summaryVar.set(summary)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _validate(self): ci = self.getImportClass() if ci is None: errors = ProtImportMicBase._validate(self) for micFn, _ in self.iterFiles(): imgh = ImageHandler() if imgh.isImageFile(micFn): _, _, z, n = imgh.getDimensions(micFn) if n > 1 or z > 1: errors.append("The protocol not support micrographs " "stored in stacks. If you want to " "obtain your micrographs individually, " "you can run the following command:\n" "scipion run scipion_directory/scripts/" " --files *your files* " "--ext *extension*") # JMRT: only check the first image, for large dataset # even reading the header can take a while break return errors else: return ci.validateMicrographs() def _summary(self): if self.importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_FILES: return ProtImportMicBase._summary(self) else: return [self.summaryVar.get('No summary information.')] # --------------------------- UTILS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def getImportClass(self): """ Return the class in charge of importing the files. """ if self.importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_EMX: EmxImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('emxlib.convert', 'EmxImport') self.importFilePath = self.emxFile.get('').strip() return EmxImport(self, self.importFilePath) elif self.importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP3: XmippImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'XmippImport') self.importFilePath = self.mdFile.get('').strip() return XmippImport(self, self.mdFile.get()) elif self.importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION: from .dataimport import ScipionImport self.importFilePath = self.sqliteFile.get('').strip() return ScipionImport(self, self.importFilePath) else: self.importFilePath = '' return None
[docs]class ImportMoviesOutput(enum.Enum): outputMovies = SetOfMovies
[docs]class ProtImportMovies(ProtImportMicBase): """ Protocol to import a set of movies (from direct detector cameras) to the project. """ _label = 'import movies' _possibleOutputs = ImportMoviesOutput _outputClassName = ImportMoviesOutput.outputMovies.value.__name__ def __init__(self, **kwargs): ProtImportMicBase.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.serverSocket = None self.connectionList = None self.gain = -1 self.dark = -1 def _getBlacklistSetClass(self): """ Returns the class to be blacklisted by this protocol. """ return "SetOfMovies" def _defineAcquisitionParams(self, form): group = ProtImportMicBase._defineAcquisitionParams(self, form) line = group.addLine('Dose (e/A^2)', help="Initial accumulated dose (usually 0) and " "dose per frame. ") line.addParam('doseInitial', params.FloatParam, default=0, label='Initial') line.addParam('dosePerFrame', params.FloatParam, default=None, allowsNull=True, label='Per frame') form.addParam('gainFile', params.FileParam, label='Gain image', help='A gain reference related to a set of movies' ' for gain correction') form.addParam('darkFile', params.FileParam, label='Dark image', help='A dark image related to a set of movies') def _defineParams(self, form): ProtImportMicBase._defineParams(self, form) form.addSection('Frames') streamingConditioned = "dataStreaming" framesCondition = "inputIndividualFrames" form.addParam('inputIndividualFrames', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label="Input individual frames?", help="Select Yes if movies are acquired in individual " "frame files. ") form.addParam('numberOfIndividualFrames', params.IntParam, condition=framesCondition, label='Number of frames', help='Provide how many frames are per movie. ') form.addParam('stackFrames', params.BooleanParam, default=False, condition=framesCondition, label="Create movie stacks?", help="Select Yes if you want to create a new stack for " "each movies with its frames. ") # This is not working so for now its hidden form.addParam('writeMoviesInProject', params.BooleanParam, default=False, condition=framesCondition + " and stackFrames", label="Write stacks in the project folder?", help="If Yes, the created stack files will be written " "in the project folder. By default the movies will " "be written in the same place where input frames " "are.") form.addParam('movieSuffix', params.StringParam, default='_frames.mrcs', condition=framesCondition + " and stackFrames", label="Movie suffix", help="Suffix added to the output movie filename." "Use the extension to select the format (" "e.g., .mrcs, .stk)") form.addParam('deleteFrames', params.BooleanParam, default=False, condition=framesCondition + " and stackFrames", label="Delete frame files?", help="Select Yes if you want to remove the individual " "frame files after creating the movie stack. ") streamingSection = form.getSection('Streaming') streamingSection.addParam('moviesToExclude', params.PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfMovies', condition=streamingConditioned, allowsNull=True, expertLevel=params.LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Previous movies to exclude", help="Select a setOfMovies that are already " "imported that you want to exclude for " "this import.") # --------------------------- INSERT functions ---------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): # Only the import movies has property 'inputIndividualFrames' # so let's query in a non-intrusive manner inputIndividualFrames = getattr(self, 'inputIndividualFrames', False) if self.dataStreaming or inputIndividualFrames: funcName = 'importImagesStreamStep' else: funcName = 'importImagesStep' self._insertFunctionStep(funcName, self.getPattern(), self.voltage.get(), self.sphericalAberration.get(), self.amplitudeContrast.get(), self.magnification.get()) # --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------- def _validate(self): """Overwriting to skip file validation if streaming with socket""" errors = ProtImportMicBase._validate(self) if self.inputIndividualFrames and not self.stackFrames: errors.append("Scipion does not support individual frames. " "You must set to Yes *Create movie stacks?* " "parameter.") # Using getMatchFile to find a file that matches with the given pattern.In case it is empty, the # validation fails, otherwise the first file that matches is returned. if not self.gainFile.empty(): if not self.getGain(): errors.append("There is no file that corresponds to the gain file " + str(self.gainFile.get())) else:"It has been used as a gain file: %s" % self.getGain()) if not self.darkFile.empty(): if not self.getDark(): errors.append("There is no file that corresponds to the dark file " + str(self.darkFile.get())) else:"It has been used as a dark file: %s" % self.getDark()) return errors
[docs] def getGain(self): if self.gain == -1: self.gain = self.getGainOrDark(self.gainFile) return self.gain
[docs] def getDark(self): if self.dark == -1: self.dark = self.getGainOrDark(self.darkFile) return self.dark
[docs] def getGainOrDark(self, path): if path.empty(): return None matchinFiles = getMatchingFiles(path.get()) if not matchinFiles: return None return matchinFiles[0]
# --------------------------- UTILS functions ------------------------------
[docs] def setSamplingRate(self, movieSet): ProtImportMicBase.setSamplingRate(self, movieSet) movieSet.setGain(self.getGain()) movieSet.setDark(self.getDark()) acq = movieSet.getAcquisition() acq.setDoseInitial(self.doseInitial.get()) acq.setDosePerFrame(self.dosePerFrame.get())
def _setupFirstImage(self, movie, imgSet): # Create a movie object to read dimensions dimMovie = movie.clone() movieFn = movie.getFileName() def decompress(program, args, ext, nExt): movieFolder = self._getTmpPath() movieName = basename(movie.getFileName()) movieTmpLink = join(movieFolder, movieName) pwutils.cleanPath(movieTmpLink) pwutils.createAbsLink(os.path.abspath(movieFn), movieTmpLink) self.runJob(program, args % movieName, cwd=movieFolder) dimMovie.setFileName(movieTmpLink.replace(ext, nExt)) if movieFn.endswith('bz2'): decompress('bzip2', '-d -f %s', '.bz2', '') elif movieFn.endswith('tbz'): decompress('tar', 'jxf %s', '.tbz', '.mrc') dim = dimMovie.getDim()"Dim: (%s)" % ", ".join(map(str, dim))) range = [1, dim[2], 1] movie.setFramesRange(range) imgSet.setDim(dim) imgSet.setFramesRange(range)
[docs] def iterNewInputFiles(self): """ In the case of importing movies, we want to override this method for the case when input are individual frames, and we want to create movie stacks before importing. The frames pattern should contain a part delimited by $. The id expression with # is not supported for simplicity. """ if not (self.inputIndividualFrames and self.stackFrames): # In this case behave just as iterInputFiles = ProtImportMicBase.iterNewInputFiles(self) for fileName, uniqueFn, fileId in iterInputFiles: yield fileName, uniqueFn, fileId return if self.dataStreaming: # Consider only the files that are not changed in the fileTime # delta if processing data in streaming fileTimeout = timedelta(seconds=self.fileTimeout.toSeconds()) filePaths = [f for f in self.getMatchFiles() if not self.fileModified(f, fileTimeout)] else: filePaths = self.getMatchFiles() frameRegex = re.compile(r"(?P<prefix>.+[^\d]+)(?P<frameid>\d+)") # Group all frames for each movie # Key of the dictionary will be the common prefix and the value # will be a list with all frames in that movie frameDict = {} for fileName in filePaths: fnNoExt = pwutils.removeExt(fileName) match = frameRegex.match(fnNoExt) if match is None: raise Exception("Incorrect match of frame files pattern!") d = match.groupdict() prefix = d['prefix'] frameid = int(d['frameid']) if prefix not in frameDict: frameDict[prefix] = [] frameDict[prefix].append((frameid, fileName)) suffix = self.movieSuffix.get() ih = ImageHandler() for movieFn in self.createdStacks: uniqueFn = basename(movieFn) if uniqueFn not in self.importedFiles: yield movieFn, uniqueFn, None def checkMovie(): for k, v in frameDict.items(): moviePath = os.path.dirname(k) movieFn = join(moviePath + "/", self._getUniqueFileName(k) + suffix) if self.writeMoviesInProject: movieFn = self._getExtraPath(os.path.basename(movieFn)) if (movieFn not in self.importedFiles and movieFn not in self.createdStacks and len(v) == self.numberOfIndividualFrames): movieOut = movieFn if movieOut.endswith("mrc"): movieOut += ":mrcs" # By default we will write the movie stacks # unless we are in continue mode and the file exists writeMovie = True if self.isContinued() and os.path.exists(movieFn):"Skipping movie stack: %s, seems to be done" % movieFn) writeMovie = False if writeMovie:"Writing movie stack: %s" % movieFn) # Remove the output file if exists pwutils.cleanPath(movieFn) for i, frame in enumerate(sorted(v, key=lambda x: x[0])): frameFn = frame[1] # Frame name stored previously ih.convert(frameFn, (i + 1, movieOut)) if self.deleteFrames: pwutils.cleanPath(frameFn) # Now return the newly created movie file as imported file self.createdStacks.add(movieFn) return checkMovie()
[docs] def ignoreCopy(self, source, dest): pass