Source code for pwem.protocols.protocol_import.images

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

import sys
import os
import re

from os.path import exists, isdir
import time
from datetime import timedelta, datetime

import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
from pwem import cleanFileName, Config

from pwem.emlib.image import ImageHandler
from pwem.objects import Acquisition

from .base import ProtImportFiles

[docs]class ProtImportImages(ProtImportFiles): """ Common protocol to import a set of images into the project. """ # The following class property should be set in each import subclass # for example, if set to SetOfParticles, this will the output classes # It is also assumed that a function with the name _createSetOfParticles # exists in the EMProtocol base class _outputClassName = 'None' # If set to True, each binary file will be inspected to # see if it is a binary stack containing more items _checkStacks = True # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineAcquisitionParams(self, form): """ Define acquisition parameters, it can be overwritten by subclasses to change what parameters to include. """ group = form.addGroup('Acquisition info') group.addParam('haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped', params.BooleanParam, default=False, label='Have data been phase-flipped?', help='Set this to Yes if the images have been ctf-phase ' 'corrected.') group.addParam('acquisitionWizard', params.LabelParam, important=True, condition=self._acquisitionWizardCondition(), label='Use the wizard button to import acquisition.', help='Depending on the import Format, the wizard\n' 'will try to import the acquisition values.\n' 'If not found, required ones should be provided.') group.addParam('voltage', params.FloatParam, default=300, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_VOLTAGE, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_VOLTAGE) group.addParam('sphericalAberration', params.FloatParam, default=2.7, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_SPH_ABERRATION, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_SPH_ABERRATION) group.addParam('amplitudeContrast', params.FloatParam, default=0.1, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_AMPLITUDE, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_AMPLITUDE) group.addParam('magnification', params.IntParam, default=50000, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_MAGNI_RATE, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_MAGNI_RATE) return group def _acquisitionWizardCondition(self): """ By default this wizard will appears only when we import from a format that is not from files. But movie-import also can have a wizard to read from FEI xml files. """ return 'importFrom != %d' % self.IMPORT_FROM_FILES # --------------------------- INSERT functions ---------------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): # Only the import movies has property 'inputIndividualFrames' # so let's query in a non-intrusive manner inputIndividualFrames = getattr(self, 'inputIndividualFrames', False) if self.dataStreaming or inputIndividualFrames: funcName = 'importImagesStreamStep' else: funcName = 'importImagesStep' self._insertFunctionStep(funcName, self.getPattern(), self.voltage.get(), self.sphericalAberration.get(), self.amplitudeContrast.get(), self.magnification.get()) # --------------------------- STEPS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def importImagesStep(self, pattern, voltage, sphericalAberration, amplitudeContrast, magnification): """ Copy images matching the filename pattern Register other parameters. """"Using pattern: '%s'" % pattern) createSetFunc = getattr(self, '_create' + self._outputClassName) imgSet = createSetFunc() imgSet.setIsPhaseFlipped(self.haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped.get()) acquisition = imgSet.getAcquisition() self.fillAcquisition(acquisition) # Call a function that should be implemented by each subclass self.setSamplingRate(imgSet) outFiles = [imgSet.getFileName()] imgh = ImageHandler() img = imgSet.ITEM_TYPE() img.setAcquisition(acquisition) n = 1 copyOrLink = self.getCopyOrLink() alreadyWarned = False # Use this flag to warn only once for i, (fileName, fileId) in enumerate(self.iterFiles()): if self.isBlacklisted(fileName): continue uniqueFn = self._getUniqueFileName(fileName) dst = self._getExtraPath(uniqueFn) if ' ' in dst: if not alreadyWarned: self.warning('Warning: your file names have white spaces!') self.warning('Removing white spaces from copies/symlinks.') alreadyWarned = True dst = dst.replace(' ', '') copyOrLink(fileName, dst) # Handle special case of Imagic images, copying also .img or .hed self.handleImgHed(copyOrLink, fileName, dst) if self._checkStacks: _, _, _, n = imgh.getDimensions(dst) if n > 1: for index in range(1, n+1): img.cleanObjId() img.setMicId(fileId) img.setFileName(dst) img.setIndex(index) self._addImageToSet(img, imgSet) else: img.setObjId(fileId) img.setLocation(dst) # Fill the micName if img is either Micrograph or Movie uniqueFn = uniqueFn.replace(' ', '') self._fillMicName(img, uniqueFn) self._addImageToSet(img, imgSet) outFiles.append(dst) sys.stdout.write("\rImported %d/%d\n" % (i+1, self.numberOfFiles)) sys.stdout.flush() print("\n") args = {} outputSet = self._getOutputName() args[outputSet] = imgSet self._defineOutputs(**args) return outFiles
[docs] def importImagesStreamStep(self, pattern, voltage, sphericalAberration, amplitudeContrast, magnification): """ Copy images matching the filename pattern Register other parameters. """"Using pattern: '%s'" % pattern) imgSet = self._getOutputSet() if self.isContinued() else None self.importedFiles = set() if imgSet is None: createSetFunc = getattr(self, '_create' + self._outputClassName) imgSet = createSetFunc() elif imgSet.getSize() > 0: # in case of continue imgSet.loadAllProperties() self._fillImportedFiles(imgSet) imgSet.enableAppend() pointerExcludedMovs = getattr(self, 'moviesToExclude', None) if pointerExcludedMovs is not None: excludedMovs = pointerExcludedMovs.get() self._fillImportedFiles(excludedMovs) imgSet.setIsPhaseFlipped(self.haveDataBeenPhaseFlipped.get()) acquisition = imgSet.getAcquisition() self.fillAcquisition(acquisition) # Call a function that should be implemented by each subclass self.setSamplingRate(imgSet) outFiles = [imgSet.getFileName()] imgh = ImageHandler() img = imgSet.ITEM_TYPE() img.setAcquisition(acquisition) n = 1 copyOrLink = self.getCopyOrLink() outputName = self._getOutputName() alreadyWarned = False # Use this flag to warn only once finished = False # this is only used when creating stacks from frame files self.createdStacks = set() i = 0 lastDetectedChange = # Ignore the timeout variables if we are not really in streaming mode if self.dataStreaming: timeout = timedelta(seconds=self.timeout.toSeconds()) fileTimeout = timedelta(seconds=self.fileTimeout.toSeconds()) else: timeout = timedelta(seconds=5) fileTimeout = timedelta(seconds=5) while not finished: time.sleep(Config.SCIPION_EM_NEW_FILE_CHECK_SEC) # wait some seconds before check for new files(10 seconds by default) someNew = False someAdded = False for fileName, uniqueFn, fileId in self.iterNewInputFiles(): someNew = True if self.fileModified(fileName, fileTimeout): continue dst = self._getExtraPath(uniqueFn) self.importedFiles.add(uniqueFn) dst, alreadyWarned = cleanFileName(dst, not alreadyWarned) copyOrLink(fileName, dst) self.debug('Importing file: %s' % fileName) self.debug("uniqueFn: %s" % uniqueFn) self.debug("dst Fn: %s" % dst) if self._checkStacks: _, _, _, n = imgh.getDimensions(dst) someAdded = True self.debug('Appending file to DB...') if self.importedFiles: # enable append after first append imgSet.enableAppend() if n > 1: for index in range(1, n+1): img.cleanObjId() img.setMicId(fileId) img.setFileName(dst) img.setIndex(index) self._addImageToSet(img, imgSet) else: img.setObjId(fileId) img.setFileName(dst) # Fill the micName if img is either a Micrograph or a Movie uniqueFn = uniqueFn.replace(' ', '') self.debug("FILENAME TO fillMicName: %s" % uniqueFn) self._fillMicName(img, uniqueFn) self._addImageToSet(img, imgSet) outFiles.append(dst) self.debug('After append. Files: %d' % len(outFiles)) if someAdded: self.debug('Updating output...') self._updateOutputSet(outputName, imgSet, state=imgSet.STREAM_OPEN) self.debug('Update Done.') self.debug('Checking if finished...someNew: %s' % someNew) now = if not someNew: # If there are no new detected files, we should check the # inactivity time elapsed (from last event to now) and # if it is greater than the defined timeout, we conclude # the import and close the output set # Another option is to check if the protocol have some # special stop condition, this can be used to manually stop # some protocols such as import movies finished = (now - lastDetectedChange > timeout or self.streamingHasFinished()) self.debug("Checking if finished:") self.debug(" Now - Last Change: %s" % pwutils.prettyDelta(now - lastDetectedChange)) self.debug("Finished: %s" % finished) else: # If we have detected some files, we should update # the timestamp of the last event lastDetectedChange = now for fileName in self.getFileNamesList(): self.fileNamesList[fileName] = False self._updateOutputSet(outputName, imgSet, state=imgSet.STREAM_CLOSED) self._cleanUp() return outFiles
[docs] @classmethod def validatePath(cls, pathstr): errors = [] badChars = ['%', '#', ':'] if any(bc in pathstr for bc in badChars): errors.append("File name can't contain these characters:") errors.append(' %s' % " ".join(badChars)) return errors
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _validateImages(self): errors = [] ih = ImageHandler() for imgFn, _ in self.iterFiles(): if isdir(imgFn): errors.append("Folders can not be selected.") errors.append(' %s' % imgFn) else: # Check if images are correct by reading the header of the # imported files: # Exceptions: # - Compressed movies (bz2 or tbz extensions) # - Importing in streaming, since files may be incomplete # - Bad characters in path [':' ,'%', '#'] if (not self.dataStreaming and not (imgFn.endswith('bz2') or imgFn.endswith('tbz') or imgFn.endswith('eer') or ih.isImageFile(imgFn))): if not errors: # if empty add the first line errors.append("Error reading the following images:") errors.append(' %s' % imgFn) errors += ProtImportImages.validatePath(imgFn) break # validate just first image return errors def _validate(self): errors = ProtImportFiles._validate(self) # Check that files are proper EM images, only when importing from # files and not using streaming. In the later case we could # have partial files not completed. if (self.importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_FILES and not self.dataStreaming): errors += self._validateImages() return errors def _summary(self): summary = [] outputSet = self._getOutputSet() if outputSet is None: summary.append("Output " + self._outputClassName + " not ready yet.") if self.copyFiles: summary.append("*Warning*: You select to copy files into your " "project.\n This will make another copy of " "your data and may take more time to import.") else: summary.append("*%d* %s imported from %s" % (outputSet.getSize(), self._getOutputItemName(), self.getPattern())) summary.append("Is the data phase flipped : %s" % outputSet.isPhaseFlipped()) summary.append("Sampling rate : *%0.2f* Å/px" % outputSet.getSamplingRate()) return summary def _methods(self): methods = [] outputSet = self._getOutputSet() if outputSet is not None: methods.append(u"*%d* %s were imported with a sampling rate of " u"*%0.2f* Å/px (microscope voltage %d kV, " u"magnification %dx). Output set is %s." % (outputSet.getSize(), self._getOutputItemName(), outputSet.getSamplingRate(), round(self.voltage.get()), round(self.magnification.get()), self.getObjectTag(self._getOutputName()))) return methods # --------------------------- UTILS functions ----------------------------- def _cleanUp(self): """Empty method to override in child classes.""" pass
[docs] def getFiles(self): outputSet = self._getOutputSet() if outputSet is not None: return self._getOutputSet().getFiles() else: return []
def _getOutputName(self): # We assume that the import output is always a 'SetOfSomething' return self._outputClassName.replace('SetOf', 'output') def _getOutputItemName(self): return self._outputClassName.replace('SetOf', '') def _getOutputSet(self): return getattr(self, self._getOutputName(), None)
[docs] def fillAcquisition(self, acquisition): """ Fill the acquition object with protocol params. """ acquisition.setVoltage(self.voltage.get()) acquisition.setSphericalAberration(self.sphericalAberration.get()) acquisition.setAmplitudeContrast(self.amplitudeContrast.get()) acquisition.setMagnification(self.magnification.get())
[docs] def getAcquisition(self): """ Build and fill an acquisition object. """ acquisition = Acquisition() self.fillAcquisition(acquisition) return acquisition
[docs] def loadAcquisitionInfo(self): """ Return a proper acquistionInfo (dict) or an error message (str). """ result = "Could not import acquisition info." # Check if the user selected to import from a given package # the property self.importFilePath should be set ci = self.getImportClass() if self.hasAttribute('importFilePath'): if not self.importFilePath: result = "Select import file first" elif not exists(self.importFilePath): result = ("*Import file doesn't exist.*\n" "File:\n%s" % self.importFilePath) else: acq = ci.loadAcquisitionInfo() if acq is not None: result = acq return result
def _addImageToSet(self, img, imgSet): """ Add an image to a set, check if the first image to handle some special condition to read dimensions such as .txt or compressed movie files. """ if imgSet.isEmpty(): self._setupFirstImage(img, imgSet) imgSet.append(img) def _setupFirstImage(self, img, imgSet): pass
[docs] def iterNewInputFiles(self): """ Iterate over input files that have not been imported. This function uses the self.importedFiles dict. """ for fileName, fileId in self.iterFiles(): # If file already imported or blacklisted, skip it uniqueFn = self._getUniqueFileName(fileName) if (uniqueFn not in self.importedFiles) and (not self.isBlacklisted(fileName)): yield fileName, uniqueFn, fileId
def _fillImportedFiles(self, imgSet): from pwem.objects import SetOfMicrographsBase if isinstance(imgSet, SetOfMicrographsBase): for img in imgSet: self.importedFiles.add(img.getMicName()) def _fillMicName(self, img, uniqueFn): from pwem.objects import Micrograph if isinstance(img, Micrograph): img.setMicName(uniqueFn) def _getUniqueFileName(self, filename, filePaths=None): fileBaseName = os.path.basename(filename) isFileName = self.getFileNamesList().get(fileBaseName, False) if isFileName: if filePaths is None: filePaths = [re.split(r'[$*#?]', self.getPattern())[0]] commPath = pwutils.commonPath(filePaths) fileBaseName = filename.replace(commPath + "/", "").replace("/", "_") self.fileNamesList[fileBaseName] = True return fileBaseName
[docs] def getFileNamesList(self): """ Fill a list with the file names that contains extra folder """ if not hasattr(self, 'fileNamesList'): self.fileNamesList = dict() for file in os.listdir(self._getExtraPath()): self.fileNamesList[file] = False return self.fileNamesList
[docs] def handleImgHed(self, copyOrLink, src, dst): """ Check the special case of Imagic files format composed by two files: .hed and .img. When copying or linking we need to take care of the other one. """ if src.endswith('.hed'): src2 = src.replace('.hed', '.img') dst2 = dst.replace('.hed', '.img') elif src.endswith('.img'): src2 = src.replace('.img', '.hed') dst2 = dst.replace('.img', '.hed') else: src2 = None dst2 = None if src2 is not None and exists(src2): copyOrLink(src2, dst2)
def _onNewFile(self, newFile): """ This method will be called we a new files is found in streaming mode. """ pass def _createOutputSet(self): """ Create the output set that will be populated as more data is imported. """
[docs] def processImportDict(self, importDict, importDir): """ This function is used when we import a workflow from a json. If we need to include source data for reproducibility purposes, this function will make the necessary changes in the protocol dict to include the source data. Params: - importDict: import dictionary coming from the json - importDir: directory containing the json file """ if importDict['filesPath']: if not os.path.exists(importDict['filesPath']): # we might have a relative path absPath = os.path.join(importDir, importDict['filesPath'].split('/', 1)[1]) if os.path.exists(absPath): importDict['filesPath'] = absPath return importDict
# --------------- Streaming special functions ----------------------- def _getStopStreamingFilename(self): return self._getExtraPath("STOP_STREAMING.TXT")
[docs] def getActions(self): """ This method will allow that the 'Stop import' action to appears in the GUI when the user right-click in the protocol import box. It will allow a user to manually stop the streaming. """ # Only allow to stop if running and in streaming mode if self.dataStreaming and self.isRunning(): return [('STOP STREAMING', self.stopImport)] else: return []
[docs] def stopImport(self): """ Since the actual protocol that is running is in a different process that the one that this method will be invoked from the GUI, we will use a simple mechanism to place an special file to stop the streaming. """ # Just place an special file into the run folder f = open(self._getStopStreamingFilename(), 'w') f.close()
[docs] def streamingHasFinished(self): return os.path.exists(self._getStopStreamingFilename())