Source code for pwem.protocols.protocol_import.coordinates

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin ( [1]
# * Authors:     Grigory Sharov ( [2]
# *
# * [1] Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# * [2] MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (MRC-LMB)
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# *  e-mail address ''
# *
# **************************************************************************

from os.path import exists
from glob import glob
    from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
    izip = zip

from pyworkflow.protocol.params import (IntParam, PointerParam, FloatParam,
                                        BooleanParam, PathParam, EnumParam,
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

from pwem import Domain
import pwem.emlib.metadata as md
from pwem.objects import CoordinatesTiltPair
from pwem.protocols import ProtParticlePicking

from .base import ProtImportFiles

[docs]class ProtImportCoordinates(ProtImportFiles, ProtParticlePicking): """ Protocol to import a set of coordinates """ _label = 'import coordinates' IMPORT_FROM_AUTO = 0 IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP = 1 IMPORT_FROM_RELION = 2 IMPORT_FROM_EMAN = 3 IMPORT_FROM_DOGPICKER = 4 IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION = 5 OUTPUT_NAME='outputCoordinates' def _getImportChoices(self): """ Return a list of possible choices from which the import can be done. (usually packages formats such as: xmipp3, eman2, relion...etc. """ return ['auto', 'xmipp', 'relion', 'eman', 'dogpicker', 'scipion'] def _getDefaultChoice(self): return self.IMPORT_FROM_AUTO def _getFilesCondition(self): """ Return an string representing the condition when to display the files path and pattern to grab files. """ return True # ---------------------- DEFINE param functions --------------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): ProtImportFiles._defineParams(self, form) def _defineImportParams(self, form): form.addParam('inputMicrographs', PointerParam, pointerClass='SetOfMicrographs', label='Input micrographs', help='Select the micrographs for which you want to ' 'import coordinates.') form.addParam('boxSize', IntParam, label='Box size') form.addParam('scale', FloatParam, label='Scale', default=1, condition='importFrom!=%d' % self.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION, help='Factor to scale coordinates') form.addParam('invertX', BooleanParam, default=False, condition='importFrom!=%d' % self.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION, label='Invert X') form.addParam('invertY', BooleanParam, default=False, condition='importFrom!=%d' % self.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION, label='Invert Y', help='Invert Y for EMAN coordinates taken on dm3 or' ' tif micrographs') # ------------------- INSERT steps functions ------------------------------ def _insertAllSteps(self): importFrom = self.importFrom.get() self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep', importFrom, self.filesPath.get()) # ------------------ STEPS functions --------------------------------------
[docs] def createOutputStep(self, importFrom, *args): # scipion imports have a predefined format (see dataimport) if importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_SCIPION: from .dataimport import ScipionImport self.importFilePath = self.filesPath.get('').strip() sImport = ScipionImport(self, self.importFilePath) # this function defines outputs and relations sImport.importCoordinates(self.inputMicrographs) else: # Pass the pointer with extended. coordsSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(self.inputMicrographs) coordsSet.setBoxSize(self.boxSize.get()) ci = self.getImportClass() for coordFile, fileId in self.iterFiles(): mic = self.getMatchingMic(coordFile, fileId) if mic is not None: def addCoordinate(coord): coord.setMicrograph(mic) self.correctCoordinatePosition(coord) coordsSet.append(coord) # Parse the coordinates in the given format for this micrograph ci.importCoordinates(coordFile, addCoordinate=addCoordinate) self._defineOutputs(**{self.OUTPUT_NAME:coordsSet}) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMicrographs, coordsSet)
# ---------------- INFO functions ----------------------------------------- def _summary(self): summary = [] if not hasattr(self, self.OUTPUT_NAME): msg = 'Output coordinates not ready yet' else: msg = "%s coordinates from " % self.outputCoordinates.getSize() msg += "micrographs %s " % self.getObjectTag('inputMicrographs') importFrom = self._getImportChoices()[self.getImportFrom()] msg += "were imported using %s format." % importFrom if self.scale.get() != 1.: msg += " Scale factor %0.2f was applied." % self.scale if self.invertX.get(): msg += " X coordinate was inverted." if self.invertY.get(): msg += " Y coordinate was inverted." summary.append(msg) summary.append("Output coordinates: %s." % self.getObjectTag(self.OUTPUT_NAME)) return summary def _methods(self): return self._summary() # ------------------ UTILS functions --------------------------------------
[docs] def getImportClass(self): """ Return the class in charge of importing the files. """ filesPath = self.filesPath.get() importFrom = self.getImportFrom() if importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP: XmippImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'XmippImport', 'Xmipp is needed to import .xmd files', doRaise=True) return XmippImport(self, filesPath) elif importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_RELION: RelionImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('relion.convert', 'RelionImport', errorMsg='Relion is needed to import .star files', doRaise=True) return RelionImport(self, filesPath) elif importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_EMAN: EmanImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('eman2.convert', 'EmanImport', errorMsg='Eman is needed to import .json or ' '.box files', doRaise=True) return EmanImport(self, None) elif importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_DOGPICKER: DogpickerImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('appion.convert', 'DogpickerImport', errorMsg='appion plugin is needed to import ' 'dogpicker files', doRaise=True) return DogpickerImport(self) else: self.importFilePath = '' return None
[docs] def getImportFrom(self): importFrom = self.importFrom.get() if importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_AUTO: importFrom = self.getFormat() return importFrom
[docs] def getFormat(self): for coordFile, _ in self.iterFiles(): if coordFile.endswith('.pos'): return self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP if coordFile.endswith('.star'): return self.IMPORT_FROM_RELION if coordFile.endswith('.json') or coordFile.endswith('.box'): return self.IMPORT_FROM_EMAN return -1
[docs] def getInputMicrographs(self): return self.inputMicrographs.get()
[docs] def getMatchingMic(self, coordFile, fileId): """ Given a coordinates file check if there is a micrograph that this files matches. """ micSet = self.inputMicrographs.get() if fileId is None: coordBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(coordFile) for mic in micSet: micBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) # temporal use of in if coordBase in micBase or micBase in coordBase: return mic return None else: return micSet[fileId]
[docs] def correctCoordinatePosition(self, coord): mic = coord.getMicrograph() scaleFactor = self.scale.get() x = coord.getX() y = coord.getY() if scaleFactor != 1.: x = coord.getX() * scaleFactor y = coord.getY() * scaleFactor if self.invertX: width = mic.getDim()[0] x = width - x if self.invertY: height = mic.getDim()[1] y = height - y coord.setX(x) coord.setY(y)
[docs] def getDefaultBoxSize(self): """ This function is used by the wizard to estimate the box size. """ boxSize = None ci = self.getImportClass() if hasattr(ci, 'getBoxSize'): boxSize = ci.getBoxSize([f for f, _ in self.iterFiles()][0]) if boxSize is not None and self.scale != 1.: boxSize = int(boxSize * self.scale.get()) return boxSize
[docs]class ProtImportCoordinatesPairs(ProtImportFiles): """ Protocol to import a set of tilt pair coordinates """ _label = 'import coordinate pairs' IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP = 0 IMPORT_FROM_EMAN = 1 def _getImportChoices(self): """ Return a list of possible choices from which the import can be done. (usually packages formats such as: xmipp3, eman2..etc.) """ return ['xmipp', 'eman'] def _getDefaultChoice(self): return self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP # --------------------------- DEFINE param functions ---------------------- def _defineParams(self, form): importChoices = self._getImportChoices() form.addSection(label='Import') form.addParam('importFrom', EnumParam, choices=importChoices, default=self._getDefaultChoice(), label='Import from', help='Select the type of import.\n' '_Auto_ - detects coordinate file type by extension.\n' '_Xmipp_ - provide *.pos files\n' '_Eman_ - provide info/*.json files') form.addParam('copyFiles', BooleanParam, default=False, expertLevel=LEVEL_ADVANCED, label="Copy files?", help="By default the files are not copied into the " "project to avoid data duplication and to save " "disk space. Instead of copying, symbolic links are " "created pointing to original files. This approach " "has the drawback that if the project is moved to " "another computer, the links need to be restored.") form.addParam('xmippMdFn', PathParam, condition='importFrom==0', important=True, label='Micrograph .xmd file', help='Provide input_micrographs.xmd file that contains ' 'tilt angles information. This file is usually ' 'created alongside the coordinates.') form.addParam('patternUntilted', PathParam, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_PATTERNU, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_PATTERN) form.addParam('patternTilted', PathParam, label=pwutils.Message.LABEL_PATTERNT, help=pwutils.Message.TEXT_PATTERN) form.addParam('inputMicrographsTiltedPair', PointerParam, pointerClass='MicrographsTiltPair', label='Input tilt pair micrographs', help='Select the tilt pair micrographs for which you want ' 'to import coordinates.') form.addParam('boxSize', IntParam, label='Box size') form.addParam('scale', FloatParam, label='Scale', default=1, help='Factor to scale coordinates') form.addParam('invertX', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Invert X') form.addParam('invertY', BooleanParam, default=False, label='Invert Y') # --------------------------- INSERT steps functions ---------------------- def _insertAllSteps(self): self.micsFn = self._getExtraPath('input_micrographs.xmd') self._insertFunctionStep('createOutputStep') # --------------------------- STEPS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def createOutputStep(self): micTiltPairs = self.getInputMicrographs() # Get the converted input micrographs in Xmipp format writeSetOfMicrographsPairs = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'writeSetOfMicrographsPairs') writeSetOfMicrographsPairs(micTiltPairs.getUntilted(), micTiltPairs.getTilted(), self.micsFn) uCoordSet, tCoordSet, anglesSet = self.readCoordinates() # Create CoordinatesTiltPair object coordsSet = self._createCoordinatesTiltPair(micTiltPairs, uCoordSet, tCoordSet, anglesSet, suffix='') self._defineOutputs(outputCoordinatesTiltPair=coordsSet) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMicrographsTiltedPair, coordsSet)
# --------------------------- INFO functions ------------------------------ def _validate(self): errors = [] if not self.patternUntilted.get() or not self.patternTilted.get(): errors.append(pwutils.Message.ERROR_PATTERN_EMPTY) else: filePathsUntilted = glob(pwutils.expandPattern(self.patternUntilted.get())) filePathsTilted = glob(pwutils.expandPattern(self.patternTilted.get())) if len(filePathsUntilted) == 0 or len(filePathsTilted) == 0: errors.append(pwutils.Message.ERROR_PATTERN_FILES) return errors def _summary(self): summary = [] if not hasattr(self, 'outputCoordinatesTiltPair'): msg = 'Output tilt pair coordinates not ready yet' else: msg = "%s coordinate pairs from micrographs %s were imported using %s format." % ( self.outputCoordinatesTiltPair.getSize(), self.getObjectTag('inputMicrographsTiltedPair'), self._getImportChoices()[self.importFrom.get()]) if self.scale.get() != 1.: msg += " Scale factor %0.2f was applied." % self.scale if self.invertX.get(): msg += " X coordinate was inverted." if self.invertY.get(): msg += " Y coordinate was inverted." summary.append(msg) summary.append("Output coordinates: %s." % self.getObjectTag('outputCoordinatesTiltPair')) return summary def _methods(self): return self._summary() # --------------------------- UTILS functions -----------------------------
[docs] def getImportClass(self): """ Return the class in charge of importing the files. """ importFrom = self.importFrom.get() if importFrom == self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP: XmippImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'XmippImport', 'Xmipp is needed to import .xmd files', doRaise=True) return XmippImport(self, None) else: # import from EMAN EmanImport = Domain.importFromPlugin('eman2.convert', 'EmanImport', errorMsg='Eman is needed to import .json or ' '.box files', doRaise=True) return EmanImport(self, None)
[docs] def getInputMicrographs(self): return self.inputMicrographsTiltedPair.get()
[docs] def getMatchingCoord(self, micU, micT): """ Given a pair of mics check if there are coordinates that match. """ mics = [micU, micT] patterns = [self.patternUntilted.get(), self.patternTilted.get()] coords = [] for mic, pattern in izip(mics, patterns): micFnBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(mic.getFileName()) for coordFn in self._iterFiles(pattern): if coordFn not in coords: coorBase = pwutils.removeBaseExt(coordFn).replace('_info', '') if coorBase in micFnBase or micFnBase in coorBase: coords.append(coordFn) if len(coords) == 2: return coords[0], coords[1] else: return False, False
[docs] def correctCoordinatePosition(self, coord): mic = coord.getMicrograph() scaleFactor = self.scale.get() x = coord.getX() y = coord.getY() if scaleFactor != 1.: x = coord.getX() * scaleFactor y = coord.getY() * scaleFactor if self.invertX: width = mic.getDim()[0] x = width - x if self.invertY: height = mic.getDim()[1] y = height - y coord.setX(x) coord.setY(y)
[docs] def getDefaultBoxSize(self): """ This function is used by the wizard to estimate the box size. """ ci = self.getImportClass() pattern = self.patternUntilted.get() if hasattr(ci, 'getBoxSize'): boxSize = ci.getBoxSize([f for f in self._iterFiles(pattern)][0]) if boxSize is not None and self.scale != 1.: boxSize = int(boxSize * self.scale.get()) return boxSize boxSize = 100 scale = self.scale.get() boxSize = int(boxSize * scale) return boxSize
[docs] def readCoordinates(self): micTiltPairs = self.getInputMicrographs() ci = self.getImportClass() uSet = micTiltPairs.getUntilted() tSet = micTiltPairs.getTilted() # Create Untilted and Tilted SetOfCoordinates uCoordSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(uSet, suffix='Untilted') tCoordSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(tSet, suffix='Tilted') anglesSet = self._createSetOfAngles() def _importCoords(uCoordSet, tCoordSet): for micU, micT in izip(uSet, tSet): coordFnU, coordFnT = self.getMatchingCoord(micU, micT) if coordFnU and coordFnT: def addCoordinateU(coord): coord.setMicrograph(micU) self.correctCoordinatePosition(coord) uCoordSet.append(coord) ci.importCoordinates(coordFnU, addCoordinate=addCoordinateU) def addCoordinateT(coord): coord.setMicrograph(micT) self.correctCoordinatePosition(coord) tCoordSet.append(coord) ci.importCoordinates(coordFnT, addCoordinate=addCoordinateT) def addAngles(ang): anglesSet.append(ang) if self.importFrom.get() == self.IMPORT_FROM_EMAN: ci.importAngles(coordFnT, addAngles=addAngles) _importCoords(uCoordSet, tCoordSet) boxSize = self.boxSize.get() uCoordSet.setBoxSize(boxSize) tCoordSet.setBoxSize(boxSize) uCoordSet.write() tCoordSet.write() if self.importFrom.get() == self.IMPORT_FROM_XMIPP: readAnglesFromMicrographs = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'readAnglesFromMicrographs') if exists(self.xmippMdFn.get()): checkAngles = self._compareMicPairs(self.xmippMdFn, uSet, tSet) if checkAngles: readAnglesFromMicrographs(self.xmippMdFn, anglesSet) else: self.warning('Angles for some micrographs were not found, ' 'skipping angles import') else: self.warning('Micrograph xmd file not provided, so tilt angles will ' 'not be imported') anglesSet.write() return uCoordSet, tCoordSet, anglesSet
def _iterFiles(self, pattern): filePaths = glob(pwutils.expandPattern(pattern)) for fn in filePaths: yield fn def _compareMicPairs(self, micFn, uSet, tSet): # compare micFn input file and input micsSet micMd = md.MetaData(micFn) micFnDict = {} inputMicsDict = {} XmippMdRow = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3', 'XmippMdRow') for objId in micMd: row = XmippMdRow() row.readFromMd(micMd, objId) micUFn = pwutils.removeBaseExt(row.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH)) micTFn = pwutils.removeBaseExt(row.getValue(md.MDL_MICROGRAPH_TILTED)) micFnDict[micUFn] = micTFn for micU, micT in izip(uSet, tSet): inputMicsDict[pwutils.removeBaseExt(micU.getFileName())] = pwutils.removeBaseExt(micT.getFileName()) for micKey in inputMicsDict: if micKey not in micFnDict: return False return True # all funcs below are required for tilt picker to work properly def __getOutputSuffix(self): maxCounter = -1 for attrName, _ in self.iterOutputAttributes(CoordinatesTiltPair): suffix = attrName.replace('outputCoordinatesTiltPair', '') try: counter = int(suffix) except Exception as ex: counter = 1 # when there is not number assume 1 maxCounter = max(counter, maxCounter) return str(maxCounter + 1) if maxCounter > 0 else '' # empty if not outputs
[docs] def getSummary(self, coordSet): summary = [] summary.append("Number of particle pairs picked: %s" % coordSet.getSize()) summary.append("Particle size: %s" % coordSet.getBoxSize()) return "\n".join(summary)
def _getBoxSize(self): """ Redefine this function to set a specific box size to the output coordinates untilted and tilted. """ return None def _readAngles(self, micsFn, suffix=''): # Read Angles from input micrographs anglesSet = self._createSetOfAngles(suffix=suffix) readAnglesFromMicrographs = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'readAnglesFromMicrographs') readAnglesFromMicrographs(micsFn, anglesSet) anglesSet.write() return anglesSet def _readCoordinates(self, coordsDir, suffix=''): micTiltPairs = self.inputMicrographsTiltedPair.get() uSuffix = 'Untilted' + suffix tSuffix = 'Tilted' + suffix uSet = micTiltPairs.getUntilted() tSet = micTiltPairs.getTilted() # Create Untilted and Tilted SetOfCoordinates readSetOfCoordinates = Domain.importFromPlugin('xmipp3.convert', 'readSetOfCoordinates') uCoordSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(uSet, suffix=uSuffix) readSetOfCoordinates(coordsDir, uSet, uCoordSet) uCoordSet.write() tCoordSet = self._createSetOfCoordinates(tSet, suffix=tSuffix) readSetOfCoordinates(coordsDir, tSet, tCoordSet) tCoordSet.write() boxSize = self._getBoxSize() if boxSize: uCoordSet.setBoxSize(boxSize) tCoordSet.setBoxSize(boxSize) return uCoordSet, tCoordSet
[docs] def registerCoords(self, coordsDir, store=True, readFromExtra=True): micTiltPairs = self.inputMicrographsTiltedPair.get() suffix = self.__getOutputSuffix() uCoordSet, tCoordSet = self._readCoordinates(coordsDir, suffix) if readFromExtra: micsFn = self._getExtraPath('input_micrographs.xmd') else: micsFn = self._getPath('input_micrographs.xmd') anglesSet = self._readAngles(micsFn, suffix) # Create CoordinatesTiltPair object outputset = self._createCoordinatesTiltPair(micTiltPairs, uCoordSet, tCoordSet, anglesSet, suffix) summary = self.getSummary(outputset) outputset.setObjComment(summary) outputName = 'outputCoordinatesTiltPair' + suffix outputs = {outputName: outputset} self._defineOutputs(**outputs) self._defineSourceRelation(self.inputMicrographsTiltedPair, outputset) if store: self._store()