Source code for pwem.protocols.protocol

# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors:     J.M. De la Rosa Trevin (
# *
# * Unidad de  Bioinformatica of Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia , CSIC
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307  USA
# *
# *  All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
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# *
# **************************************************************************

import time

import pyworkflow.object as pwobj
import pyworkflow.protocol as pwprot
import pyworkflow.protocol.params as params
import pyworkflow.utils as pwutils

import pwem.objects as emobj
import pwem.constants as emcts

[docs]class EMProtocol(pwprot.Protocol): """ Base class to all EM protocols. It will contains some common functionalities. """ _base = True def __init__(self, **kwargs): pwprot.Protocol.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __createSet(self, SetClass, template, suffix, **kwargs): """ Create a set and set the filename using the suffix. If the file exists, it will be delete. """ setFn = self._getPath(template % suffix) # Close the connection to the database if # it is open before deleting the file pwutils.cleanPath(setFn) setObj = SetClass(filename=setFn, **kwargs) return setObj def _createSetOfMicrographs(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfMicrographs, 'micrographs%s.sqlite', suffix, indexes=['_index']) def _createSetOfCoordinates(self, micSet, suffix=''): coordSet = self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfCoordinates, 'coordinates%s.sqlite', suffix, indexes=['_micId']) coordSet.setMicrographs(micSet) return coordSet def _createCoordinatesTiltPair(self, micTiltPairs, uCoords, tCoords, angles, suffix): coordTiltPairs = self.__createSet(emobj.CoordinatesTiltPair, 'coordinates_pairs%s.sqlite', suffix, indexes=['_untilted._micId', '_tilted._micId']) coordTiltPairs.setUntilted(uCoords) coordTiltPairs.setTilted(tCoords) coordTiltPairs.setAngles(angles) coordTiltPairs.setMicsPair(micTiltPairs) for coordU, coordT in zip(uCoords, tCoords): coordTiltPairs.append(emobj.TiltPair(coordU, coordT)) return coordTiltPairs def _createSetFromName(self, className, suffix=''): """ Create a new set from the given className. """ _createSetFunc = getattr(self, '_create%s' % className) return _createSetFunc(suffix) def _createSetOfImages(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfImages, 'images%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfParticles(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfParticles, 'particles%s.sqlite', suffix, indexes=['_classId', '_micId']) def _createSetOfAverages(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfAverages, 'averages%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfMovieParticles(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfMovieParticles, 'movie_particles%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfClasses2D(self, imgSet, suffix=''): classes = self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfClasses2D, 'classes2D%s.sqlite', suffix) classes.setImages(imgSet) return classes def _createSetOfClasses3D(self, imgSet, suffix=''): classes = self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfClasses3D, 'classes3D%s.sqlite', suffix) classes.setImages(imgSet) return classes def _createSetOfClassesVol(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfClassesVol, 'classesVol%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfVolumes(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfVolumes, 'volumes%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfCTF(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfCTF, 'ctfs%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfNormalModes(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfNormalModes, 'modes%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfMovies(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfMovies, 'movies%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfAngles(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfAngles, 'tiltpairs_angles%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfFSCs(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfFSCs, 'fscs%s.sqlite', suffix) def _createSetOfPDBs(self, suffix=''): return self.__createSet(emobj.SetOfAtomStructs, 'pdbs%s.sqlite', suffix) def _defineSourceRelation(self, srcObj, dstObj): """ Add a DATASOURCE relation between srcObj and dstObj """ self._defineRelation(pwobj.RELATION_SOURCE, srcObj, dstObj) def _defineTransformRelation(self, srcObj, dstObj): self._defineRelation(pwobj.RELATION_TRANSFORM, srcObj, dstObj) # A transform relation allways implies a source relation self._defineSourceRelation(srcObj, dstObj) def _defineCtfRelation(self, micsObj, ctfsObj): self._defineRelation(emcts.RELATION_CTF, micsObj, ctfsObj) # A ctf relation allways implies a source relation self._defineSourceRelation(micsObj, ctfsObj) def _insertChild(self, key, child): if isinstance(child, emobj.Set): child.write() pwprot.Protocol._insertChild(self, key, child) def _validateDim(self, obj1, obj2, errors, label1='Input 1', label2='Input 2'): """ Validate that obj1 and obj2 has the same dimensions. Params: obj1, obj2: input objects that can be Images or SetOfImages subclasses. errors: an error list where to append the error if not same dimensions label1, label2: labels for input objects used for the error message. """ if obj1 is not None and obj2 is not None: d1 = obj1.getXDim() d2 = obj2.getXDim() if d1 is None: errors.append("Can not get dimensions from %s." % label1) elif d2 is None: errors.append("Can not get dimensions from %s." % label2) elif d1 != d2: msg = '%s and %s have not the same dimensions, \n' % (label1, label2) msg += 'which are %d and %d, respectively' % (d1, d2) errors.append(msg) def __str__(self): return self.getObjLabel()
[docs] def allowsDelete(self, obj): if (isinstance(obj, emobj.SetOfCoordinates) or isinstance(obj, emobj.CoordinatesTiltPair)): return True return False
# ------ Methods for Streaming picking -------------- def _defineStreamingParams(self, form): """ This function can be called during the _defineParams method of some protocols that support stream processing. It will add an Streaming section together with the following params: streamingSleepOnWait: Some streaming protocols are quite fast, so, checking input/ouput updates creates an IO overhead. This params allows them to sleep (without consuming resources) to wait for new work to be done. streamingBatchSize: For some programs it is more efficient to process many items at once and not one by one. So this parameter will allow to group a number of items to be processed in the same protocol step. This can also reduce some IO overhead and spawning new OS processes. """ form.addSection("Streaming") form.addParam("streamingWarning", params.LabelParam, important=True, label="The following params are related to how " "streaming is done in Scipion.") form.addParam("streamingSleepOnWait", params.IntParam, default=0, label="Sleep when waiting (secs)", help="If you specify a value greater than zero, " "it will be the number of seconds that the " "protocol will sleep when waiting for new " "input data in streaming mode. ") form.addParam("streamingBatchSize", params.IntParam, default=1, label="Batch size", help="This value allows to group several items to be " "processed inside the same protocol step. You can " "use the following values: \n" "*1* The default behavior, the items will be " "processed one by one.\n" "*0* Put in the same step all the items " "available. If the sleep time is short, it could be " "practically the same of one by one. If not, you " "could have steps with more items. If the steps will " "be executed in parallel, it is better not to use " "this option.\n" "*>1* The number of items that will be grouped into " "a step.") def _getStreamingSleepOnWait(self): return self.getAttributeValue('streamingSleepOnWait', 0) def _getStreamingBatchSize(self): return self.getAttributeValue('streamingBatchSize', 1) def _streamingSleepOnWait(self): """ This method should be used by protocols that want to sleep when there is not more work to do. """ sleepOnWait = self._getStreamingSleepOnWait() if sleepOnWait > 0:"Not much work to do now, sleeping %s seconds." % sleepOnWait) time.sleep(sleepOnWait) def _insertNewMics(self, inputMics, getMicKeyFunc, insertStepFunc, insertStepListFunc, *args): """ Insert steps of new micrographs taking into account the batch size. It is assumed that a self.micDict exists mapping between micKey and mic. It is also assumed that self.streamClosed is defined...with True value if the input stream is closed. This function can be used from several base protocols that support streaming and batch: - ProtCTFMicrographs - ProtParticlePickingAuto - ProtExtractParticles Params: inputMics: the input micrographs to be inserted into steps getMicKeyFunc: function to get the key of a micrograph (usually mic.getMicName() insertStepFunc: function used to insert a single step insertStepListFunc: function used to insert many steps. *args: argument list to be passed to step functions Returns: The list of step Ids that can be used as dependencies. """ deps = [] insertedMics = inputMics # Despite this function only should insert new micrographs # let's double check that they are not inserted already micList = [mic for mic in inputMics if getMicKeyFunc(mic) not in self.micDict] def _insertSubset(micSubset): stepId = insertStepListFunc(micSubset, self.initialIds, *args) deps.append(stepId) # Now handle the steps depending on the streaming batch size batchSize = self._getStreamingBatchSize() if batchSize == 1: # This is one by one, as before the batch size for mic in micList: stepId = insertStepFunc(mic, self.initialIds, *args) deps.append(stepId) elif batchSize == 0: # Greedy, take all available ones _insertSubset(micList) else: # batchSize > 0, insert only batches of this size n = len(inputMics) d = int(n / batchSize) # number of batches to insert nd = d * batchSize for i in range(d): _insertSubset(micList[i * batchSize:(i + 1) * batchSize]) if n > nd and self.streamClosed: # insert last ones _insertSubset(micList[nd:]) else: insertedMics = micList[:nd] for mic in insertedMics: self.micDict[getMicKeyFunc(mic)] = mic return deps