# **************************************************************************
# *
# * Authors: J.M. de la Rosa Trevin (delarosatrevin@scilifelab.se) [1]
# *
# * [1] SciLifeLab, Stockholm University
# *
# * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# * (at your option) any later version.
# *
# * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# * GNU General Public License for more details.
# *
# * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# * 02111-1307 USA
# *
# * All comments concerning this program package may be sent to the
# * e-mail address 'scipion@cnb.csic.es'
# *
# **************************************************************************
from collections import OrderedDict
from pyworkflow.object import ObjectWrap
from ..lib import *
[docs]class Row:
""" Support Xmipp class to store label and value pairs
corresponding to a Metadata row.
def __init__(self):
self._labelDict = OrderedDict() # Dictionary containing labels and values
self._objId = None # Set this id when reading from a metadata
# Add set and get method as alias to setValue and getValue
# in this way the Row will behave more like a dict
self.set = self.setValue
self.get = self.getValue
[docs] def getObjId(self):
return self._objId
[docs] def hasLabel(self, label):
return self.containsLabel(label)
[docs] def containsLabel(self, label):
# Allow getValue using the label string
if isinstance(label, str):
label = str2Label(label)
return label in self._labelDict
[docs] def removeLabel(self, label):
if self.hasLabel(label):
del self._labelDict[label]
[docs] def setValue(self, label, value):
"""args: this list should contains tuples with
MetaData Label and the desired value"""
# Allow setValue using the label string
if isinstance(label, str):
label = str2Label(label)
self._labelDict[label] = value
[docs] def getValue(self, label, default=None):
""" Return the value of the row for a given label. """
# Allow getValue using the label string
if isinstance(label, str):
label = str2Label(label)
return self._labelDict.get(label, default)
[docs] def getValueAsObject(self, label, default=None):
""" Same as getValue, but making an Object wrapping. """
return ObjectWrap(self.getValue(label, default))
[docs] def readFromMd(self, md, objId):
""" Get all row values from a given id of a metadata. """
self._objId = objId
self._labelDict = md.getRow(objId)
except AttributeError: # can be eventually removed, once we are sure that users have recent Xmipp
for label in md.getActiveLabels():
self._labelDict[label] = md.getValue(label, objId)
[docs] def addToMd(self, md):
self.writeToMd(md, md.addObject())
[docs] def writeToMd(self, md, objId):
""" Set back row values to a metadata row. """
md.setRow(self._labelDict, objId)
except AttributeError: # can be eventually removed, once we are sure that users have recent Xmipp
for label, value in self._labelDict.items():
# TODO: Check how to handle correctly unicode type
# in Xmipp and Scipion
if type(value) is str:
value = str(value)
if labelType(label) == 2:
md.setValue(label, float(value), objId)
md.setValue(label, value, objId)
except Exception as ex:
import sys
print("XmippMdRow.writeToMd: Error writing value to metadata.", file=sys.stderr)
print(" label: %s, value: %s, type(value): %s" % (
label2Str(label), value, type(value)), file=sys.stderr)
raise ex
[docs] def readFromFile(self, fn):
md = MetaData(fn)
self.readFromMd(md, md.firstObject())
[docs] def writeToFile(self, fn):
md = MetaData()
self.writeToMd(md, md.addObject())
[docs] def copyFromRow(self, other):
for label, value in other._labelDict.items():
self.setValue(label, value)
[docs] def clone(self):
""" Return another Row that have exactly the same
values as self.
row = Row()
row._objId = self._objId
return row
def __str__(self):
s = '{'
for k, v in self._labelDict.items():
s += ' %s = %s\n' % (label2Str(k), v)
return s + '}'
def __iter__(self):
return self._labelDict.items()
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.getValue(item)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
return self.setValue(key, value)
[docs] def containsAll(self, labels):
""" Check if all labels are present in the row.
row: the Row object.
labels: either a dict or list object containing the labels
(in the case of dicts, label are the dict.values())
values = labels.values() if isinstance(labels, dict) else labels
return all(self.containsLabel(l) for l in values)
[docs] def containsAny(self, labels):
""" Check if at least one of labels is present in the row.
row: the Row object.
labels: either a dict or list object containing the labels
(in the case of dicts, label are the dict.values())
values = labels.values() if isinstance(labels, dict) else labels
return any(self.containsLabel(l) for l in values)
[docs] def printDict(self):
""" Fancy printing of the row, mainly for debugging. """
[docs]def label2Python(label):
""" Return the Python type (int, float, bool) for a given
metadata label (LABEL_INT, LABEL_DOUBLE..etc)
return LABEL_TYPES.get(labelType(label), str)
[docs]def getLabel(value):
""" Return the label value either from an int value or an string. """
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
elif isinstance(value, str):
return str2Label(value)
raise Exception("Invalid value type (%s) for label. " % type(value))
[docs]def getFirstRow(mdOrFn):
""" Return the first object of a metadata.
mdOrFn: you can pass a metadata or a filename as argument.
if isinstance(mdOrFn, str):
md = MetaData()
md.read(mdOrFn, 1)
else: # mdOrFn is MetaData
md = mdOrFn
if md.getParsedLines():
row = Row()
row.readFromMd(md, md.firstObject())
row = None
return row
[docs]def getSize(filename):
""" Return the metadata size without parsing entirely. """
md = MetaData()
md.read(filename, 1)
return md.getParsedLines()
[docs]def isEmpty(filename):
""" Use getMdSize to check if metadata is empty. """
return getSize(filename) == 0
[docs]def iterRows(md, sortByLabel=None):
""" Iterate over the rows of the given metadata.
md: a MetaData object or a filename (MetaData will be read)
sortByLabel: a label to sort the metadata before iterate.
# If md is string, take as filename and create the metadata
if isinstance(md, str):
md = MetaData(md)
if sortByLabel is not None:
row = Row()
for objId in md:
row.readFromMd(md, objId)
yield row
[docs]def dropColumns(mdObj, *labels):
""" Drop all columns from a given metadata.
Labels can be either string or int.
for l in labels:
[docs]def keepColumns(mdObj, *labels):
""" Drop all columns from mdObj that are not in labels.
Labels can be either string or int.
# Handle string or int labels input
keepLabels = {getLabel(l) for l in labels}
for l in mdObj.getActiveLabels():
if l not in keepLabels:
[docs]def joinBlocks(inputMd, blockPrefix=None):
mdImages = MetaData()
mdAll = MetaData()
mdBlocks = getBlocksInMetaDataFile(inputMd)
for mdBlock in mdBlocks:
if blockPrefix is not None:
if mdBlock.startswith(blockPrefix):
mdImages.read(mdBlock + "@" + inputMd)
mdImages.read(mdBlock + "@" + inputMd)
return mdAll
[docs]class SetMdIterator:
""" Class to iterate over an input set and skip
elements not present in metadata.
This class can be used in copyItems when the number
of elements in the set is higher that in metadata.
def __init__(self, md, sortByLabel=None,
if updateItemCallback is None:
raise Exception('Set an updateItemCallback')
self.iterMd = iterRows(md, sortByLabel)
self.keyLabel = keyLabel
self.updateItemCallback = updateItemCallback
self.skipDisabled = skipDisabled
def __nextRow(self):
self.lastRow = next(self.iterMd)
except StopIteration:
self.lastRow = None
[docs] def updateItem(self, item, row):
""" This function should be passed to copyItems
as callback and it will filter the items
not present in the metadata.
row = self.lastRow
if row is not None:
if row.hasLabel(MDL_ENABLED):
enabled = row.getValue(MDL_ENABLED)
enabled = 1
if (row is None or
item.getObjId() != row.getValue(self.keyLabel)):
item._appendItem = False
elif enabled == -1 and self.skipDisabled:
item._appendItem = False
item._appendItem = True
self.updateItemCallback(item, row)