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IDE Eclipse Standard

Eclipse is the integrated development environment (IDE) recommended for Scipion. The features include: support for project creation and managed build, standard make build, source navigation, various source knowledge tools, such as type hierarchy, call graph, include browser, macro definition browser, code editor with syntax highlighting, folding and hyperlink navigation, source code refactoring and code generation.

How to Install

The Eclipse installation process has four main steps:

  1. Install the Java runtime environment (JRE 7.0 recommended)

  2. Install the Eclipse software (It does not includes JRE).

  3. Launch Eclipse.

  4. Install a set of plugins for extend functionality.

If you have the Java software installed, you only need to download the Eclipse package from [Eclipse download page] be sure of select Eclipse IDE Standard and for the platform you want( e.g.: Windows, Linux, 32 or 64 bits). After that, you only need to untar the package and launch Eclipse. Is also useful add a shortcut to the Desktop or Panel for launching.

Installing plugins

The process of installing plugins has become simpler in Eclipse. There is an installation dialog under Help -> Install New Software. There are some Software Sites installed from Eclipse Standard by default. You can add your own for installing new plugins, test the connection, disable Sites and using Export… / Import… its easy to share sets of Software Sites between different installations or with others. After the new site is added some Features will appear and can be checked for install. There are some Options you can check to get only the latest versions, hide already installed software and so on. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, try to uncheck Group items by category, not all available Plug-ins are categorized.


There is a useful plugin for eclipse development, PyDev, which can be installed from [here]

  • How to add mi python code to a PYTHONPATH?: project -> properties -> pydevPYTHONPATH


With most of Eclipse distributions, a git client will be built-in but, otherwise, you can also install it using eclipse interface. The most used plugin that give git functionalities to eclipse is called EGit (which can be installed from the eclipse marketplace, using the eclipse interface - menu “help” - or downloaded from [here]).

Scipion Development

To start developing Scipion with Eclipse we need to create an Eclipse project with the Scipion source. If we already have a working copy we can import files into a new project or having the EGit plugin we can create the project just checking out directly from the Scipion repository.

Creating project from Git working copy

If we have a working copy of Scipion project in development from Git, we should import it and establish as PyDev project.

Go to File -> Import, in Git section select Projects from Git. Now, as we have already cloned git repository, we have to select Local, then Add and browse to Scipion folder and click on Ok. Now select the repository placed in scipion folder/.git, and finally select that repository in the Select a Git repository window.

Next step is Select a wizard to use for importing projects window, where we select Use the New Project wizard and click on Finish. Now select PyDev Project and click on Next. Type a name for the project, unmark Use default location and select the folder you placed scipion. In Project type select Empty Project and click on Finish.

Creating project from Git repository

In this case the process is the same as above, but you have to select URI instead of Local, being all this process equivalent to download from command line. You have to use the “Clone URI” link according to your permission as seen on How to Git, for example type directly in the URI field. The different fields should be fulfilled automatically. Click on Next. In Branch Selection window mark the branches you want to download (by default, as for now, master, stable and v1.0 should be enough). Click on Next. Type the folder where the scipion code is going to be downloaded, choose the initial branch in case you marked more than one and click on Next. After that, code is being downloaded and it may take a while. The next step is the second step described in above section.