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Creating a new webtool

Steps to create a new web tool:

. Add an entry point in the services page: Go to webservice_projects.html and add an entry point for the new webtool.

  • Create the webtool home page: We need to create the webtool home page.

  • Create a python package for the webtool inside under pyworkflow/web/webtools/

  • now, in the webtool package folder:

  • in the add “from urls import urls”

  • create based on other webtools an customize appropriately.

  • create based on other webtools an customize appropriately.

  • For this you might need to create the test data: add your test data in the Test/ file and use it in the create project method.

  • create the .js utils file based on other webtools an customize appropriately under <webtool_package>/resources/js/

  • create the set of .html file based on other webtools an customize appropriately under <webtool_package>/templates

  • add an import of your new views file ( in the

  • Each webtool runs with its own config files for protocols.conf and hosts.conf. Although the protocol.conf will be created if it doesn’t exists, the host.conf needs to be there. So copy a host.conf from other webtool and place it under ~/.config/scipion/[new web tool]/