.. _buildingunitcell: Building the asymmetric unit ============================ | Once we have selected the *models* for *metHgb* :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` subunits (see the workflow branches to have :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` subunits; :numref:`model_building_scipion_workflow_whole_reconstruction`), we can regenerate the smallest asymmetrical element of the starting map. With this aim we are going to use protocols to operate with atomic structures (**chimerax-operate** or **atomstructutils-operator**), to refine them both manually (**ccp4-coot refinement**) and automatically (**phenix-real space refine**) and to validate them (**phenix-validation_cryoem** and **phenix-emringer**). A brief schema of the main steps of this part of the workflow can be seen in :numref:`model_building_scipion_workflow_whole_reconstruction`. Take into account that in real live probably many more steps of refinement and validation will be required. .. figure:: Images/Fig73.svg :alt: *Scipion* framework detailing the workflow to reconstruct the structure of the map asymmetric unit (blue arrow) and the whole atomic structure (red arrow). :name: model_building_scipion_workflow_whole_reconstruction :align: center :width: 100.0% *Scipion* framework detailing the workflow to reconstruct the structure of the map asymmetric unit (blue arrow) and the whole atomic structure (red arrow). - | Protocol to join the *metHgb* :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` subunits in a unique atomic structure: | Two protocols can be used for this purpose (**chimerax-operate** or **atomstructutils-operator**) and the result should be identical. | Before starting, nevertheless, be sure that you have two atomic structures and each one includes an only chain with a different *id*. Remember that chain *ids* may be changed for other chain *ids* in *ChimeraX* and *Coot*. | Secondly, it could be very convenient to change the *Scipion* output label of each subunit, in order to follow them easily in *Scipion*. According to :numref:`model_building_scipion_workflow_edition` go to the Summary of the two final protocols that allow to generate those atomic structures and press the black arrow (C) to select the option *Edit*. Type the new output name of the structures (*HBA_refined* (D) and *HBB_refined* (E), respectively). .. figure:: Images/Fig75.svg :alt: A. Zoom in on :numref:`model_building_scipion_workflow_whole_reconstruction`. B. Summary of the protocol box from *PHENIX real space refine* (:math:`\alpha` in (A)). Red arrow points at the *Scipion* output name. C. Menu opened pressing the output black arrow of the Summary. D. New name of the *Scipion* output in the Summary. E. Summary from the protocol box *PHENIX real space refine* (:math:`\beta`) after applying the same edition process. :name: model_building_scipion_workflow_edition :align: center :width: 100.0% *A*. Zoom in on :numref:`model_building_scipion_workflow_whole_reconstruction`. B. Summary of the protocol box from *PHENIX real space refine* (:math:`\alpha` in (A)). Red arrow points at the *Scipion* output name. C. Menu opened pressing the output black arrow of the Summary. D. New name of the *Scipion* output in the Summary. E. Summary from the protocol box *PHENIX real space refine* (:math:`\beta`) after applying the same edition process. | Then, open again *ChimeraX operate* protocol and following the already indicated instructions, include the *models* of *metHgb* :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` subunits in params *Atomic structure* and *Other atomic structures*, respectively (:numref:`model_building_chimerax_asymm_unit_1` (A)). Firstly, check that both *models* are perfectly fitted in the map asymmetric unit. Otherwise, apply the command *fit inMap*, as it was previously shown. Next, create a single atomic structure by joining models *#3* and *#4* in *ChimeraX Models* panel. To generate a combined *model* write in the command line: :: scipioncombine #3,4 | The new model *#5* is shown in *ChimeraX Models* panel (:numref:`model_building_chimerax_asymm_unit_1`). Finally, save this fitted structure writing in *ChimeraX* command line: :: scipionwrite #5 prefix asymmetric_unit_model_ .. figure:: Images/Fig76.svg :alt: A. Completing the protocol **chimerax-operate** with the atomic structures *HBA_refined* and *HBB_refined*. B. *ChimeraX* graphics window showing the combined *model #5*. :name: model_building_chimerax_asymm_unit_1 :align: center :width: 100.0% *A*. Completing the protocol **chimerax-operate** with the atomic structures *HBA_refined* and *HBB_refined*. B. *ChimeraX* graphics window showing the combined *model #5*. - | Protocols to refine the new combined structure generated: | At this point refinements could cover specially the overlapping area between the two chains. Help yourself with the *Coot* tools of *Validate* in the main menu, as well as the visualization tools of *PHENIX real space refine* protocol. - | Validation protocols to select the best *model* of the human *metHgb* unit cell: | Validate the new combined structure generated is recommendable before continuing with the next steps in the workflow. *EMRinger* and *Validation CryoEM (MolProbity)* validation statistics should be computed for the new *model* of human *metHgb* asymmetric unit, generated by combining *metHgb* :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` subunits. Appendix :ref:`Solutions ` (:ref:`Question11 `) contains a statistics table for the unit cell *model* (Table 8). We can try to improve those statistics by additional refinement processes. By performing refinement in real space with *PHENIX* some of the statistics could result improved. Table 8 contains also RMSD values computed in a similar way as we have seen for :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` subunits, considering as fixed structure chains A and B from *5NI1* atomic structure. To continue with the modeling process we can select the unit cell *model* generated by *PHENIX real space refine* because most of its validation statistics show the best values (*CC(mask)*, *EMRinger score* and *MolProbity* values). Exceptionally, RMSD regarding the published structure yields the worst value.