.. figure:: /docs/images/scipion_logo.gif :width: 250 :alt: scipion logo .. _scipion-web-development-setup: ====================================== Scipion web development setup ====================================== Scipion web requires you to have Scipion installed in the server. For that you will need to `install Scipion `_. After this you should have Python, Django and all the modules required to run Scipion web. Django scripts need write permission in ``$SCIPION_HOME`` Matplotlib ========== Matplotlib also needs write permission (by default, to ``~/.matplotlib``) Matplotlib also needs to default to Agg backend: from scipion folder: .. code-block:: bash cp software/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib-1.3.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/matplotlib/mpl-data/matplotlibrc ~/.matplotlib/ vi ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc Set --> backend : agg save it Webtools setup ================ You will need to set up your machine to be able to run the web-tools, so far you will need to create some folders and add some files to those folders Create web tools folders ------------------------- Open a console a run these commands .. code-block:: bash mkdir ~/.config/scipion/myfirstmap mkdir ~/.config/scipion/myresmap mkdir ~/.config/scipion/movies You will also need to have a host.conf file on each of those folders, let's copy the main one from scipion. From the $SCIPION_HOME: .. code-block:: bash cp config/hosts.conf ~/.config/scipion/myfirstmap/ cp config/hosts.conf ~/.config/scipion/myresmap/ cp config/hosts.conf ~/.config/scipion/movies/ Create a /services folder for the movie alignment project samples and give it x permissions: .. code-block:: bash sudo mkdir /services sudo chmod 777 /services Install necessary packages -------------------------- .. code-block:: bash $SCIPION_HOME/scipion install eman2.12 resmap pytz Define "Thread and MPI" options per protocol (Optional but recommended) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can additionally force how each of the protocol of the webtools should run in terms of "Thread and MPI". Add the configuration as a "section" in $SCIPION_HOME/config/scipion.conf. An example of this configuration could look like this. .. code-block:: bash [WEB_PROTOCOLS] XmippProtRansac = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 4, "numberOfMpi": 1, "queueParams" : ["cpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} EmanProtInitModel = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 4, "numberOfMpi": 1, "queueParams" : ["cpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} XmippProtReconstructSignificant = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 1, "numberOfMpi": 4, "queueParams" : ["cpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} XmippProtAlignVolumeForWeb = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 4, "numberOfMpi": 1, "queueParams" : ["cpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} ProtMovieAlignment = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 1, "numberOfMpi": 1, "queueParams" : ["gpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} XmippProtCreateMask3D = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 1, "numberOfMpi": 1, "queueParams" : ["cpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} ProtResMap = {"useQueue": 0, "numberOfThreads": 1, "numberOfMpi": 1, "queueParams" : ["cpu", {"JOB_MEMORY": "8192", "JOB_TIME": "72"}]} Run the webserver =================== If it is the first time you start the server you first need to run: .. code-block:: bash ./scipion webserver collectstatic The recommended procedure is to setup a replica of the production environment on your development machine. Actually it takes little work, and you will be doing the test in the same environment as production. To generate the database that Django will use (used when uploading a file), run .. code-block:: bash ./scipion webserver syncdb The simplest way to test your installation is to run Scipion in web-server mode: .. code-block:: bash ./scipion webserver After this you should have it running at http://localhost:8000/webtools/ (Note: the script starts the web server listening to, so it might be accessible from other computers too) Other useful commands ===================== To list all available Django commands, .. code-block:: bash ./scipion webserver help You can run any Django command if you type it after webserver: useful for collectstatic content. .. code-block:: bash ./scipion webserver