.. figure:: /docs/images/scipion_logo.gif :width: 250 :alt: scipion logo .. _introduction-to-scipion-developers: ================================= Introduction to Scipion Developer ================================= Become a Scipion developer in 8 steps ------------------------------------- If you are new to Scipion, you will find useful to follow this steps: #. Read the :doc:`project definition `. After this, you should have a better idea of the context of our work and what Scipion is and which are the motivations behind. Don't worry if you feel a bit lost with so much information, you can read this again. #. Read the :doc:`Scipion Architecture ` to have an idea of the "big picture" of the project. You should know the basic components of Scipion and how they interact. #. Learn how to configure :doc:`Pycharm ` before start developing in Scipion. Pycharm is the IDE that we use, but you sould be able to use your preferred one. #. Read some :doc:`basic tips about git `. We use *git* as our versioning system, so it will be useful to have a basic knowledge about it. #. Read the style guide to start coding :doc:`Python `. The style is very important in order to write clear and readable code as a team. #. Check the :doc:`Design Style ` guide for images, colours, messages, etc. #. Find complementary materials about Structural Biology and Electron Microscopy in :doc:`Additional information `. #. Join our mailing lists: * Scipion-developers: Join our slack space, request us to invite you scipion@cnb.csic.es * Scipion-users: https://sourceforge.net/projects/scipion/lists/scipion-users `Xmipp developers stuff `_ contains info which might also be relevant to Scipion.